
Right but she doesn't say that SHE is a better mother for working. She says WE are better mothers when we're working, the implication being that mothers who stay home are lesser mothers for not working, which is frankly something that I get enough of from the media, culture and everyone I freaking know. It would be

I don't think it matters who she's speaking to. Implying that stay at home mothers are lesser parents or somehow underdeveloped humans is seriously fucked.

I agree with the bit you're agreeing with but I have a major problem with the following:

We are better mothers when we are working, we remind ourselves, and we ache for our children as we constantly reconcile the choice to outsource their care and be fully developed human beings ourselves.

Ballsy but not surprising.

Jez used to ban them. Now they promotes their comments. Fuck Nick Denton and everyone who thought this commenting system would "elevate dialogue"

Fuck you.

I recognize that women have the added struggle of dealing with potential pregnancy

Oops. My mistake.

Seriously who do these bitches think they are? People?

Well yeah... I mean she's a woman so clearly got to be some form of a stupid slut or a castrating cunt.

Ding Ding Ding!

That isn't what a skeptic is.

I don't really have any more information. He was a senior when I was a freshman, so I didn't know him well at all, but when I read the article in the observer his face looked familiar so I searched my high school's alumni listing and sure enough there he was.

I think they might need a new test.

"Drink so you don't maim" is sort of like "Laugh so you don't cry" right?

Upon awakening each morning Romney is handed a brief containing an estimate of how many brown people he is expected to encounter that day. Based on these estimates he selects the hue that will most ingratiate himself with those around him.

Holy fucking shit I went to high school with him. Lovely.

I went to high school in his neighborhood. A good number of my female friends still live and work in that area. Thank god they caught him before he was able to hurt anyone.

Eh. This doesn't really bother me.