Bobby Kotick looks like he’s gearing up to commit war crimes. That is, if he hasn’t already.
Bobby Kotick looks like he’s gearing up to commit war crimes. That is, if he hasn’t already.
As far as I’m concerned, two things need to happen.
I just have to say that I think I’m just about lyft. It’s been five months, I’ve been subjected to drug dealers, sexual predators, road rage, a shooting and people who just don’t want to get up to go where they’re going, much to a complaint about me leaving after waiting and holding up traffic for five minutes. They…
As usual, “There’s a PA for that.”
I disagree. Indies are 90% pixel/art games still. And worst, they’re mostly unoriginal genre repeats or just god awful games hoping to win the lottery. The quality of “Indie” games is just off the charts bad and even the few good ones are often one-hit wonders or retreads of genres.
Katrina is also a good option.
Russia should just make a series called Flint.
Texas isn’t that bad; have you heard of Mississippi?
You know what would REALLY help? If players showed some solidarity with the people who make the games they love and stopped playing League of Legends until Riot gets their act together. They’re sitting on disgusting amounts of eSports money that they’ve made off of their mistreated and exploited workers.
*Checks notes*
If someone was going to ruin Endgame, I’d have guessed Andy Reid.
As a Texas progressive I can say that Beto is my favorite Democrat.... in Texas. Nationally, he ranks somewhere between Heidi Heitkamp and Steny Hoyer. Which is to say, looooow. He is a blessing and a gift to corporatist Democrats, specifically because people who were susceptible to Obama’s milquetoast corporate…
I really appreciate that you took a bunch of heat, and rather than digging in or just ghosting, replied and admitted error. I thought it might be helpful to give a little more context instead of just piling on “Nah bro u wrong!”
This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.
Since McDermott’s been the coach the Bills record is 11-12. In those 23 games they have 9 losses by double-digits and only 2 double-digit wins (Oakland last year and Minnesota this year).
Kelsey Grammer definitely had an achievable body type.
Dayum, Drake don’t play.
which sport has the most absolutely turd-stupid fans