
I haven’t seen one live action anime movie that wasn’t hot cosplay garbage.

If they are attempting to undermine a villain from handing the reigns of governance to Mother Russia, then I am glad for their undermining attempts, and they are doing their jobs and doing them well.

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Actually, the Godfather of all this, from what I recall, was this back in 2006:

God Damn that remake looks fucking disgusting.

Its not JRPS; its Final Fantasy. Its been a terrible series for a while and it is now being taken to its logical awful conclusion.

I used to pre-order games all the time back in the 32/128bit era. Those JRPGs would sell out fast and almost never re-print, I still have my original copy of Suikoden 2.

I wonder if it is at all possible to blow something out of proportion out of proportion.

I.... don’t know what this means....

Because that’s when senpai finally notices them.

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Dark Souls was already a Playstation game. It was called Shadow Tower. It looked a lot better than this video, too.

Too bad Konami is an awful company now. Maybe the series creator will work on something else cool, though.

Maybe he should ask Kyle Orton for tips on maintaining a functioning work/drunk balance.

Geez, this sounds foolish. “This is a Hulk who flirts and chows down on burgers.” The Poochie-fication of the Hulk, complete with odd Ed Grimely hair.

You y-inverter scum should be forced to jump through as many flaming hoops as possible to satisfy your sick, unclean addiction.

Oh boy, this looks like foolishness.

Because this is a list of eras of time, listed not in chronological order, but in order (I presume) of least shitty to most shitty. Being hit by a car is not an era of time, nor does it make sense to list in high before The Future (which is... bad??) and below Tomorrow (which is the future, but is also... good??).

Everybody knows that gamers are obnoxious assholes. No news here, Jimmy just experienced it for himself is all.