
I am actually glad they killed the Kin because I want them to focus 100% of their attention to WP7. Since WP7 will be on a wide range of devices with a wide range of prices it would cover the teen and early 20s category. Too many similar products just confuse customers so simplifying the product line can only be a

@xair: You could also uses cocobolo or ebony to get a similar look. Cocobolo would be more of a reddish brown and ebony is obviously black. (Ebony is used to make clarinets in case anyone was interested)

@kasika: I am curious as to how many actual sales there are. I am sure that Apple just ignores returns to help inflate their numbers.

@Hairy Putter: Actually it is the 4th gen.... hence the name iPhone 4.

@CSommer19: Well that is very frightening...

@Jeremy: Thankfully that hasn't happened to me yet. I have dropped my Droid a good dozen times since I bought it. I think when it is only 40% glass then how it lands makes all of the difference. When it is 90% glass all bets are off.

I agree with this article. Though it is a very pretty phone, it loses those good looks because of the huge flaws. I never quite understand why phone makers put the antenna at the bottom of the phone (Apple is not the only one guilty of this). Why not just put it along the top where 99% of the time you wouldn't hold

@thinkthis: It is a good thing they took all that time and energy to make it pretty so you can cover it up with a big rubber band. Maybe form over function isn't such a good idea. Here is another thought... maybe we shouldn't be making things that get dropped a lot out of mostly glass.

I love science! Please have more articles like this. Loved it!

@Tycho Vhargon: I imagine it more like fish hooks. With a barb at the end that has to be cut off to be removed.

@HeroOfTomorrow: In my town it is illegal to camp on public land (aka sidewalks). I am sure that if things like this were to happen the police would probably ignore it because they know it is not really a homless guy camping. If someone called in to complain about it then that would be another story.

@Dacker: There you go with your logic and reason. That has no place on a tech blog!

The only benefit I see to this design is that it might be able to automatically vacuum your stairs (doubt that was their intent). Maybe if they turned it into a hybrid... wheeled for flat floor vacuuming and legged for stairs or when it gets stuck.

Honestly I have lost all confidence in Google. It seems that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. I really can't wait until the first WP7 phone comes out so I can delete my Google account and be done with them forever.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: Actually what people were making a big deal of was that they once allowed certain apps and then later pulling them. They changed the rules mid-game. Yes it is their store and their rules but that doesn't mean we have to like it. The difference here is that Microsoft is not allowing it from the

I never understood why anyone needed or wanted porn in an app. Most of them are chock full of malware anyway. Just use your brower people! That is what it was built for.

@OCEntertainment: Actually foosball tournaments are 2-on-2. I was in one once and got my butt readily handed to me. No one told me I was going to play the world champion. I was just looking for a novice tournament. At least I had more time to drink beer.

It looks like they just cut off the end of a rubber bone dog chew toy and glued it on to the bottom of a cell phone case. It is still the dumbest thing I have seen in a long while.

Awesome article. The SR-71 was and always will be my favorite plane. Somehow I doubt we will see anthing like it again.