YankBoffin hoons a BRZ

“One feature I would love to see on intermittent wipers is a “tap tempo” feature like many guitar delay and modulation pedals now have. It would use a momentary switch - tap it once and release, tap it again and release and the time between those two taps would be the wiper interval.”

Farmer Here, We have side by sides and just bought a Roxor. The Roxor can tow more, hold more, is more comfortable than due to longer wheel base and is only slightly more money than our diesel side by sides (14k vs 17k). It saves us having to use a tractor to tow fuel trailers, water trailers around, makes a great

Here in Ohio, you can legally drive a four wheeler on the streets. We have multiple guys that drive their side by sides to work. All that is required is a horn, headlights, tail lights and running lights. If you have a windshield you’ll also need a wiper.

From Oprhan Black to Lawyer Green.

Welcome to the MCU Tatiana. Now go smash something.

Beyond that, one reason the tickets were never delivered to Chuck E. Cheese’s 600-plus locations is because they were printed just as the company was shifting to paperless eTickets;

Please spare us Chris Pratt’s twat.

I actually know some things about this type of thing.

They did build a nuke freighter NS Savannah which operated from 1960-1971. It was much more expensive to run than oil-fired ships, which is probably still the case today.

three, four, five times as costly as new cars ordinary people ordinarily buy.

Just to add to your happy feelings - I work in pharma, and this sort of thing happens ALL the time. Most medications/vaccines don’t hit the market for various reasons, not just safety, but when there’s a safety signal in a trial, there’s no “decision making” or anything to be done. There’s a protocol in place before

fortunately I, Elon Musk, am not the litigious sort. 

Please submit your resume. 

You get them from U-Line or they are in your shipping dept. No need to go to Home Depot. Pallet Strapping Corner Piece. 

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.

I’m a cyclist that rides mountain, gravel, and, rarely, road. Taking the lane is a strategy to be better seen. Riding on the edge increases the possibility of blending in with the roadside... especially for the distracted driver that is glancing at the road between checking the weather*. I look ahead over knolls and

Uh... Lobbying, idle threats, campaign contributions, etc.

It’s so much easier to be this happy, fulfilled guy than a fussy grump who posts on NextDoor. Attitude is a choice, America!

Now playing

Please. Simpsons shat on this back in ‘92.