
Also, devs confirmed that you’ll be able to ‘romance’ a bunch of characters, most are bisexual - either for one night stands or for a long lasting relationship.

I beat the story at 100 hours on Sunday, and I feel like there’s still a LOT of things to do! Farming in D2 was a pain, but in MHW it’s actually enjoyable. Also the fact that once you go back to low rank farming, you can really tell how powerful you are. It’s quite a satisfying feeling.

Switch to Monster Hunter World. That game has been around so long that it’s essentially it’s own industry. The difference in ideologies between Destiny and Monster Hunter is glaring. On one side, it feels like a company is trying to do the least amount of work possible while trying to make as much money as possible.

Destiny 2 is serving as an example of how making your game more approachable can screw you if you aren’t willing to escalate gameplay complexity. Yes, it might bring in more players in the beginning, but approachable systems quickly turn into boring systems that novice players leave after a month or two, leaving you

I switched over to MHW and deleted D2. I got so fed up with the lack of endgame, communication and Bungie just repeating all of their mistakes from D1 over again it just frustrated me. Sure it was fun for a while, raiding with friends, but once it’s cracks started to show things really started to break wide open. I

The early goings and the ending are the only parts of the story that I really found functional or moving. Everything in-between felt disjointed and, ultimately, rushed. I guess I don’t regret playing it, but it definitely left a sour taste in my mouth.

The story has always been finished. The ending is stellar. Problem is, the original version of the game had a lot of loose threads and unexplained lore, making it feel disjointed. For the past year they’ve been trying to fill in the holes, and they’re continuing to do so in the coming months.

Lol, im guessing it went down alot less creepy than the way you described it....I hope.

What confuses me is that there was all sorts of anger about the idea that kids supporting gun control might be “coached” or “scripted” by someone else, yet it’s apparently alright for this kid to go on TV and read out a script his father freely admits was scripted by the family.

And the thing with this study is, it’s not proscribing caloric limits—but by limiting processed foods, folks are already cutting calories. Like, who can eat even 300 calories of romaine lettuce in a sitting? No one, because that’s about 30 cups of lettuce. Versus how easy is it to eat 300 calories of French fries in a

Personally I applaud unique feats in gaming like this and loath the “but why”ers already in the comments. Aren’t dumb Achievements like 5,000 kills in multiplayer in this category as well?

You’re a fucking psychopath.

hahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahha you are an idiot hahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha

Your conception of facts is pretty hilariously messed up. For instance, about Paul McHugh. I’ve linked a random newspaper article, which isn’t anything, but pretty decently sums up his contributions. Of course, you are only using convenient links, so that shouldn’t be a problem. You’re essentially pointing to

Sorry to break this to you, but the views you’re expressing regarding transgender people have no basis in fact, science or research. Call things “mental disorders” and link to heavily-biased publications all you like, you’re ignoring the literal agreed-upon definition of gender dysphoria in the DSM.

Great game, but what a shitty person. As if “improving the core game” and doing whatever little production necessary to make the protagonist a woman (I didn’t even realize he was a man until I saw a silhouette of the mohawk — and even then, I’ve seen women with mohawks!) aren’t mutually exclusive, you can do both. And

Letting your child pursue money and dreams during his prime years as an eSports athlete.. yea sounds like a terrible parent to me.. god forbid you let your kid make millions of dollars doing what they love and setting themselves up for financial stability for the rest of their lives.

Sounds like a good dad. :p
