
I hope that the Switch gets a Hyrule Warriors Legends Deluxe.

Thinking on it, I sorta agree. iOS 11 is the most underwhelming release yet. It isn’t really disappointing, but it definitely doesn’t feel special at all.

Who are you calling the Nazis in this story? The anti-Trump protesters or the DoJ?

Really makes you think about Unsung Story and Playdek then.

The guy is a liar and betrays the people’s trust in favor of corporations. Of course Republicans will keep him on.

At least, this guy shouldn’t have gotten a retirement package, but should be in jail for life for criminal negligence.

I’ll probably pick it up again on PC down the line, since I was a sucker and bought it on PS4 already... and digitally at that. At this point I’m just going to stop buying non-Nintendo games until 1 year after launch, that way it can be properly patched, dlc released, dlc patched, and PC announcements made.

The French had a good way to deal with folks like this guy back in the late 1700s.

Yeah, the next movie should continue/conclude the Sarah Connor Chronicles. That’s all I want.

They can say nothing about RDR2, it’ll be ready when it is ready, but I am all for a remastered RDR. I mean, if they can do LA Noire, they can definitely do one of their good games.

The Monster Hunter “community” has been pretty fucking toxic for a long ass time now.

Yep, Punch Out is the only one on the list I plan to buy.

I completely agree. It seemed like the natural choice to make, but I have two friends who played the game that argued with me.

Man, I want to know what you guys think the correct ending is.

I see, that makes sense.

Why would MS be happy? Windows 10 was free and I don’t buy one single game they publish and it’ll be a cold day in hell before I even open, much less shop from, their W10 digital stores.

If this was Red Dead Redemption, then I would say it is a good thing. LA Noire? Nope. Disappointing.

I live in the US and I don’t own an Xbox One because they don’t have any games exclusive for it I really care to play. Having a gaming PC, PS4, Switch, 3DS, and WiiU (with a huge backlog across all of those) I can’t justify the purchase. For me, if Microsoft would invest in strong first party content, then it would

God is really not liking Trump’s ascension and continues to punish the US for it.

You can get those games, and they just released a Mega Man collection recently. Those franchises I mentioned are wasting away altogether.