Some of the posts you're criticising remind me of arguments I've seen before where people seem so very intent on dismissing all causes of bullying. "Bullies don't have low self-esteem, they don't have a bad background, or psychological problems, they're not expressing insecurities so... we're powerless. We don't have

And now it's my favourite too.

Maybe, but are these jobs really taken by people with no other options? I guess if you live somewhere that regular bar work doesn't pay a living wage?

The latter, but I'm not going to begrudge women something so trivial when they are being raped/denied bodily autonomy/all that other shit. And I agree with you on what true equality means, we just disagree on what should be the priority.

I implied that I was a white knight and/or nice guy, from which you could infer that I was being critical of myself and thus did get the point.

Yeah, I wasn't sure how good the dancing at the end was either, but it looked far more expressive and creative than the earlier stuff, which was cool

Me too. My favourite hobby is watching and reading guides on stuff instead of actually doing it.

Maybe you just need the same beat or tempo or...something?

It's funny how many men insist we fix the tiny number of inequalities which disadvantage us before we fix the massive number which disadvantage women. Maybe they're just sick of getting the short end of the stick then having to give up one of the few perks in the vague hope of future equality?

I'm pretty sure it was here on Jezebel that someone told the story of a fighter pilot who couldn't ride a bicycle, so you're in good company.

But it's not a matter of simply not letting your kittens outside so they never realise what they're missing, it's about knowing that they would enjoy it if you let them outside. Those of us who choose not to deny that to our cats are simply prioritising their definite enjoyment over a probable longer lifespan. If your

It sounds like you're doing the right thing by being in therapy, where you're going to get better guidance than anything that's posted here. Stick with it, especially if you feel like you're making good progress. If you start to feel like you're not making progress and that doesn't change then audition some other

My understanding is that former president Morsi attempted to change the constitution, won with a very slim majority in the election, and there was a petition for him to step down which supposedly had more signatures than the number of people who actually voted for him. He also spent a lot of time threatening his

You could try starting a new profile. A lot of your answers to questions might have changed, your priorities in what you want in others definitely will if you're consciously trying to make "normal" friends. A couple of incorrect "mandatory" answers can have a massive effect on your match percentages, as can having no

Wasn't his age mostly an issue because of his VP pick? Like there was a chance of Palin ending up as president, which scared a lot of people. If Clinton has someone sensible as hers then it shouldn't matter so much.

I don't have advice, but I do have a question. When you get yourself off, do you fantasise? What are the men you fantasise about like? What's the touching like? I guess I'm just curious how someone can get off every day yet find attraction so rarely IRL.

I'm a 26 year old dude who's only kissed one person, six months ago, and I would love to meet someone else who's inexperienced. I don't want to have to pretend to know what I'm doing, I don't want to have to lie. I even kind of like the idea of going slow and having the awkward, fumbling exploration that most people

Didn't weekends used to be just Hortense Smith, who was a comment moderator rathe r than staff? I don't think weekends have ever been a priority here.

Yeah, I always find that comic incredibly depressing when someone posts it. Especially the last line.