He hustles hard.........

that girl just woo?.......that girl just woooed.....

Florio went score board on a NFL mascot.............. but its the Jaguars, so not matter what they still lose.

his head is so big he has a 5 head......... he doesnt have dreams......he has movies....... thats all i got

Glad to see the Bros approve ............

new rule...... the dumber the answer the bigger the glove they get punched in the face with................................whose with me?

2 for 2 Greg....................


agreed they were epic......but rumor is that the next album the clipse put out will be that

Screw the game good look Greg this Clipse album is probably one of the best group albums ever..... I'll be bumpin lord willin' for the rest of the night....... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



why is someone always taking balls to the face in Oakland............

Same shit happen with me....... missed the last part of the Golden Girls finale ........................ damn you UVERSE

he must not hit very hard....................... she got right back up............ just saying .......................also Tim Tebow just got signed

and Jay Buhner gets the shaft........... well his son did not so much him....... but then again i guess he did be cause his son did.......... so i guess he gets the shaft through his son........... makes since............



NFL- 1 CFL-0 game on CFL

I mean i wouldn't be mad if Bomani Jones shared his chicken recipe