I'd be all for it, but only if he brought back 1990s Star Trek, as shown above, with the old characters and deeply sardonic, sarcastic, and comedic story lines in a half-hour show.
I'd be all for it, but only if he brought back 1990s Star Trek, as shown above, with the old characters and deeply sardonic, sarcastic, and comedic story lines in a half-hour show.
>hearing a silly exegesis from Richard about a Seattle neighborhood full of what he calls "cerulean collar workers," who started out as hipsters but grew so poor with the economic downturn that they turned into the blue collar folk they once imitated ironically with their trucker hats and flannel shirts.
Alternate Earths...
Clearly this is also a world where Einstein's theory of relativity has been proven wrong.
I agree, we should replace long runs with long haul freight. Jerry Brown used this as his platform when he ran for president in 1992, arguing expansion of rail lines and ocean shipping, but the trucking unions objected.
Where's the barefoot bandit when you need him?
While viewing this I simultaneously thought:
All I see are vampires and zombies.
They must be putting something in the water, because I really want to vote for her, even though I'm happy with Obama (if not a little frustrated that he's not tougher with stubborn Republicans) and she'll leave this country in worse shape than G.W. Bush on his worst day.
I've been a regular watch-wearer for years now. I particularly like a simple analog watch with date box and metallic band. Now I know why I've been getting more female attention lately.
Well, he's certainly perfected the art of how to look dumb, as espoused by the C.I.A. Manual of Trickery and Deception.
Great idea, but the music is painful.
She's toe-suckable. Feed your cat.
Increased baggage check fees and snafus like this provide solid arguments for shipping your luggage out to your destination in advance. As for Mr. Haze's clothes, a lot of them seemed to be inexpensive jerseys and sleepwhere. It's too bad he couldn't pack a set of clothes in a carry-on and buy some cheap clothes at a…
She looks so sad when she says she's not a crazy person... and now that I know her name got out I feel bad for her. I hope she gets the opportunity to just apologize and be done with it.
But you can still buy it on iTunes, right? RIGHT? Oh thank God.
IRL Troll. And please, surreptitious videographers of the future, landscape-only.
Professionally-produced propaganda video to point out airport security flaws and thus increase security and/or advertise their business. I doubt they spontaneously shot this one night after being stuck at the airport. My guess is that they were stuck once and said "What if we taped ourselves having fun at the…