@catpeople: It's all caps. It's like she's a cop or something...
@catpeople: It's all caps. It's like she's a cop or something...
back when steve zahn was a bit player in movies rather than a bit player in treme. winona became a klepto, garrofalo got thin, stiller divided his time between edgy indies like Greenberg and Permanent Midnight and crowd-pleasers like Meet the Fockers 2 and Night at the Museum, and hawke? hawke became an asshole,…
@LeRollingStoner: My guess is that your generation is going to be the most dismissive of the next one, once you get older and understand the value of experience. But it will be too late because they'll already be running the world... :)
@Federov: Funny; I wonder if Tavi realizes that her circulation numbers most likely rival what Sassy achieved in its time. Tavi: you are the change you want to see. I'd suggest an update from blogspot to Joomla and design that accommodates other bloggers. She'd have to graduate from high school at some point too...
New in 2015: Scrabble allows pictures and videos. "We believe existing fans will enjoy this and it will also enable younger fans and families to get involved."
@lavenderstain: So now that it's been discovered, he has to ignore it? He stated the fact as something that he has to deal with, part of his physiognomy. Apparently it's been made an issue by others, ever since he was a child. It is now just as noticeable as his forehead, blaming him for acknowledging it is naive. As…
@bluesbelle: Hearted, only because I want to hear more of your story— like what minimum wage job you had for eight years and how you moved up from it...
@sarah.of.a.lesser.god (aka Mrs. BrutallyHonestHobbit): wow, usually it's the other way around, but in this case instead of ripped from the headlines, it's ripped from an episode of law and order. Still, tragic and hope things are ok.
@cellydevil: This deserves a post all by itself. What does the next generation have to offer in the way of workplace etiquette? This gift bag fiasco may be the norm and not an anomaly?
@wittyb: I guess it's safe to say that anything named Vista sucks.
@ElleL: I like that extemporaneous comment— "Don't cry about not being in the front row, you're 7 years old."
@SheelaNaGig: 21st century Puck.
@autonaimee: Agreed, strong resemblance to Lyle the Intern:
@FrannyR: Who's going to hold an intervention with the crazy family?
@HappyHydrozoan is positive disintegration: I wondered why she has a wall-length mirror in her room.
@broad: The father is an asshole. You know that if he lost his daughter, he'd be a blubbering mess on the floor. It was a reaction rather than a loving action to help. In this case, going with what he had was damaging and it would have been better off if he did nothing.
Too bad he didn't go out of his way and OFFER HER THE JOB. Whatever happened to promotions? If he thought she was qualified, he should have offered it to her.
Time to sign the Vivid contract before she becomes irrelevant.
@annebreal: I was rooting for Laura as well. Glad I didn't waste my time with this show and only watched two episodes.