You know, I'm not even sure I'll believe this game is released when I actually have it in my console and am playing it. There will always be a lingering doubt in my mind that it's all just a wonderful dream.
You know, I'm not even sure I'll believe this game is released when I actually have it in my console and am playing it. There will always be a lingering doubt in my mind that it's all just a wonderful dream.
@SparkofImagination: Wait, so it was 4chan that managed to break Microsoft's point generation algorithm? Man, now I've lost all respect for Microsoft's software engineers (not that I had much to begin with.)
@GeshGav: Just remove the gallery part from the url: [] But yea, someone needs to fix that.
@William Henry Harrison: Now this is a weird coincidence. After reading the article you linked to, I read a few more, and eventually I followed a link to this article ( [] ), which discusses secret messages hidden by the Freemasons. On that very page, is the exact same image of Link used for the header…
So now we have to have a debate about which genres are art and which aren't? I mean, ok, maybe Guitar Hero and Rock Band don't qualify. But most music games like Dance Dance revolution, Beatmania, or Pop'n Music at least have a lot of original songs and art in them. Then there's stuff like Parappa the Rappa. Are you…
@nickedge: Wow, you're right. How it God's name did the "L-Block" from Tetris win Character Battle VI? Especially when the "T-Block" so clearly has more personality. I mean sure the "L-Block" is the every-man's block, but that just goes to show you what happens when you judge based on popularity.
They put Shenmue, Phantasy Star Online, and Skies of Arcadia in the same category. 0_o I had to go with Skies of Arcadia because I feel it delivers a better overall package, but dammit, that is one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. T_T
I've actually been in one of those myself lately. My solution so far has been to keep playing Minecraft and hope for the best. 2010 was a pretty abysmal year for game releases that matched my taste. My favorite genre's are Music, Fighting, and RPG, in that order, but none of the games that have come out in any of…
@Batousi: Can I make one recommendation? If you don't want to deal with the worst of Xbox Live's douches, stay away from the holy trinity of faggotry. That being Halo, Gears of War, and Call of Duty. No other games on Xbox Live have even half the problems those games have. You can play all day on Rock Band or Virtua…
@jacobgermain: I think you raise some good points, but I think it's unfair to single out white people. What they are doing is part of the general male mentality, and it's by no means exclusive to white people. Basically, males have a natural inclination to put people down in a position of weakness, in order to elevate…
@Batousi: Well, depending on the game, you may find the majority of people who bother to message you may behave like complete fuckwads. But you know, even as a guy you still have to listen to that shit. The only thing that changes when you're a girl is that the insults are targeted to your gender.
I'm sure that there are some really fucked up people our there who say things like that on Xbox Live and mean them. But I really think they are a tiny minority. The majority are merely trolls, or 13 year old boys who think they are being funny. The thing that I'm not exactly clear on is,do girls think they are being…
@DukeOfPwn: Sooo true. Zork: Grand Inquisitor is a perpetually overlooked classic.
I've been listening to the Skies of Arcadia OST while I code. Really helps me relax and concentrate, and it's damn beautiful music. Too bad it's practically impossible to find a legit copy of it.
@Skeletal-Minion: I had actually been wondering if that was the Christina Coffin from Sonic Xtreme too ( [] ). I did some digging and found this page ( [] ), which has a link to her personal page, which in turn links back to the same twitter account from the image. On that page, it has her…
@Ashurahori: I called it an "abortion" because Sega aborted it.
Christina Coffin? As in the same Christina Coffin that worked on the infamous Sega Saturn abortion, Sonic Xtreme?
@Raso719: Ok, wow, at first I thought you were being sarcastic. Actually, I'm still not 100% sure you weren't. Anyway, if I remember that era even remotely well, the average game cost $60, and was roughly the quality of an iPhone game that you can download for $0.99 today. Also, fanboys were rampant and more annoying…