
I don't know why but "Pepper-Box" sounds hilarious to me.

That mask in the begging


That's a nice blanket too

Your eardrums would explode if he was in SR3

Step one: Try to get to space.

Cant help you there not the one who made it and was the biggest I could find.

Where do you recruit him from? Racoon city?

I did but I vaguely remember it. Did he ride the tank on rooftops ? Did he have stealth on then?

Planes are thousands of meters in the sky where you can miss them buy you cant miss a 3 tonne tank in the city street stealth or no.

Well the commandos don't drive trough populate city streets.

It becomes invisible or something because 3+ tonne tank is pretty hard to miss.

Stealth? ....right.

I'm the only one that sees a yellow space man on top.


Never understood the commercials and things that say "Save the planet!" and no one gives a crap about them. Why they don't put signs that say "Save your selves!" as egoistical species it should work a lot better because were crapping where were eating and no one seems to care.

Giant enemy crabs.

At least were doing something not just eradicating something completely (except smallpox), were stopping and saying "Hey! This is a unique species, we should really try and not to destroy every one of them". And that's what separates us from animals who only know how to consume, but the same is true with some

So, will it need a diesel generator hooked up to the laptop to power it?