
No need to buy a Kubaton just use lighter!

If anything were the only species that are trying to save engendered species not just wipe them out completely.

Especially that cultures differ and a translator couldn't make you understand aliens perfectly.

Windows Wasp


Why so Sam?

So most of the time. Because teams are almost always composed of campers.

What were you expecting them to do reinvent the wheel?

They are among us !

One of the most retarded things in BC2 is that the enemy's can get into your base and just camp there. Why not put the mine field thing on enemy bases. But there are no developers that fix these issues once the game is released, although it would be simple fix with patch. So if a game is broken it stays broken.

How good you are doesn't matter if you cant spawn. While I'm attacking my team is camping the op team takes positions to baserape. By the time I spawn the enemy has taken every route out of the base and are just shooting everyone just as they spawn. Tell me how do your 1337 skillz get you out of that?

On the PC. Baserape might not be glitch but still must be abolished, because on some maps it can be exploited so far that you cant spawn without dieing instantly.

No sure what others call it but you can crawl tanks up hills where they shouldn't be able to go (not only by the maps creators but by physical laws).

Just drop some nukes wait 300 years and voila glowing mushrooms.

Yeah a better word would have been appendage or something.

They should have done this in BC2 because the baserape,tank crawling and other crap are ruining the game.

What is that? GTA San Andreas LSD mode?

And then the distinctive sound *phwt* *phwt* of arterial blood.