
Doesn't understand the game.

Tries to say it's bad because of this. Literally, you STATE you didn't understand the game. I think that says more of you than the game.

I don't care if you don't like the game, I just like to read why a person didn't like said game and it makes me sad when I read stuff like this.

Still a terrible choice. - Me.

By that same logic I could apply that to MEGAMAN games, especially the old ones however that does not make the song any more suited to Dark Souls or Megaman it's just a poor choice.

Eww, that was an official trailer? That music just doesn't suit the game/atmosphere/themes ANYTHING. Just terrible.

"But Titanfall seems to have found a way to bridge that gap."

I pretty much guessed that. I don't like DLC anyway. ;D If it was really important it would have been in the main game already anyway.

Just because I happen to dislike something you enjoy you find it acceptable to attack me. Great.

But no, you're right! The only way anything is good is if allot of people like it! That's the only way. Oh wait, no it isn't.

This > Titanfall

Fo' cereal.

Really? No cons?

What if someone didn't "enjoy" the Last of Us. I liked the story (simple and very slowly plodding as it was), the game itself however? Not so much.

"pro tip: switch to easy difficulty"


But seriously, a real question now:

Are the skits voice acted? Not the cutscenes and important story elements I know they are, but the little skits.

This is why I hate it when reviews do this and I see people say "i'm not going to buy". -_- It's STILL a good game, many people didn't mind the last section either.

Do you wanna build a clone game?
Or rip off super mario?
I think some originality is overdue, I've started talking to the game posters on the walls!
Do you wanna build a clone game?

-sung to rhythm of Do You Want to Build a Snowman from Frozen

If Pewdiepie can beat Dark Souls I think anyone can.

You seriously can not be that terrible at video games.

I hate it when people say it's 500 to 600 hundred dollars for a gaming pc.

That's just the tower. Aren't you forgetting a few things? Mainly a monitor? A sound system? An OS? :)

500 to 600 HA!

It's weird how a visual medium is so graded on just its story elements. Yes they are important but I feel it strange that you never talk about the look or style of the show.

(Note: if you figure out how to play 3DS while cooking dinner, let me know.)

Let me share with you my secrets. Put the meal in the microwave, set the timer to whatever your meal requires (mine are always 4 to 5 min) sit down somewhere in the house and play your 3ds for 4 or 5 min.


And you only need a PS4 for 2 of these!


Half of these games are on other consoles. Half of these games aren't best on the Xbone.

People paid 30 dollars for this?
My faith in humanity dwindles daily.

Everything wrong with what you said is coming from the fact that you want a metroid game as an FPS first and foremost, not as a metorid game.

Metroid isn't an fps, let's make that clear. You know what metorid is? ALMOST it's own freaking genre. Ever heard of "Metroid-vania" style games? Guess where that comes from? And