FPS/get shot and immediately die is a really uninteresting genre to scale up so massively. It's a great project from a technological standpoint, but that game itself just seemed ridiculous.
FPS/get shot and immediately die is a really uninteresting genre to scale up so massively. It's a great project from a technological standpoint, but that game itself just seemed ridiculous.
I used to have this friend who would make jello shots for every major party. One year at Halloween she decided to put gummy worms in them for a similar sort of effect. For whatever reason, the worms seemed to soak up all the vodka and became very unpleasant to chew on.
1) Clone several. Raise them all in the same community. Peer group solved.
...Alligators have a tendency to kill and eat other animals?
Why is no one trying to rescue the cat?! There was absolutely no reason to expect this to end well for it. What is wrong with these people?
I'm not the least bit saddened by this news. Since the launch of the Wii Nintendo has largely turned its back on core gamers, because there was untapped money to be found catering to grandparents.
I'm a fan of digital distribution, but for now I'm pretty strongly opposed to any sort of cloud. Getting possession of something electronically is way more convenient, but having it stored on a physical hard drive which I own is way more reassuring. I don't currently trust anyone to store my files permanently on the…
Why would anyone hire such tiny archeologists? I hate to see discrimination in the workforce, but most other people could excavate that skeleton way faster.
Use something like DownloadHelper and grab it off YouTube?
No citation needed, it's definitely a bloodline thing. I don't recall there ever explicitly being a human bitten yet surviving though. The show makes such a big fuss about a vampire being bitten however, that it's hard to believe a human would be no worse off than a regular animal attack. Plus, hybrids are a whole new…
Before watching this episode I was chatting with my friend about it. One of the questions we felt the need to ask each other was what happens when a human is bitten by a hybrid? Do they become werewolves? Is it as fatal as a bite to a vampire?
Come on, that's pretty funny.
I think the fundamental difference is that here in the West we care about life, human rights, quality of living, basic decency etc. I remember having a similar reaction when someone first told me about the video where a little girl was repeatedly run over in traffic and people just walked by and left her in the…
Voice commands aren't exactly the focus of what the Kinect is supposed to be capable of. I can't help thinking that this could just as easily have been implemented using the microphone on the xbox360 headset I already own, rather than with a $150 infrared camera.
My first thought was "How did they let this go on for 21 years without doing anything to help this guy?". My second thought was "Oh this is in China. Story checks out".
My favourite thing about this video is that Luigi is a "newcomer" to the Mario universe.
Being a dedicated customer is so hard because so few companies deserve it. Valve consistently does things in a way that tells me they care about the gaming community and share most of their consumer's core values. They've earned my loyalty.
I'm not quite sure how you've managed to miss his point by such a wide margin. The fact that they had high end video equipment already in place suggests that they knew in advance this was going to happen. Knowing it was going to happen further suggests that in this case they may have deliberately introduced the…
What exactly are their complaints against Steam? I'm fond of Valve because they consistently focus on giving quality to their customers. Origin on the other hand, is something I do not want on my computer. Competition is fine, but at least give me some sense of why you think your product is better.
I've been meaning to ask, and this seems like as good a place as any: