
@Dogm1: Books are good, but they are a tad on the dark side. Vivid descriptions of rape, sodomy, torture, and other violent acts. However the story line is solid and the plot is well thought out.

@OverThereInThemTrees: Well pay attention to Gordon Ramsey. He needs his English license revoked I guess because he uses cups and ounces instead of milliliters. Its like, I'm English but I rather not admit to it. :)

@Posco Grubb: Or possibly 90% of the vote would go to other software such as Knox of GPG.

Is this really necessary? 90% of the people will vote TrueCrypt.

@jiznerdo: Perhaps it was to let the people that do own guns, use guns, or work with guns know how simple / hard it was to load the shotgun.

@BritBloke916: Have you played NOVA? Its fun, but it is no halo. The controls are semi responsive, but even with the mulit touch the responsiveness is less than desirable as it really can't keep up with fast twitch responses. My best comparison would be like using an old wireless mouse with a half dead battery to

Wow. This stereotype rivals that of the one similar to journalism and blogging...

@Isetta: I would take him up on that offer and have him repair the GT. When he then asked for the 200k in repairs I would let him take me to court and stand in front of the judge and ask to get the money out of me while my lawyer claimed he was making right of the situation.

@NaeemTHM: It is cyclic. When Microsoft releases something they will say it was stolen from Apple/Citrix/etc. I guess I just have higher expectations for alot of Apple stuff

@DrakeDatsun: Was just making sure before it got rebranded and called magical and innovative.

@wdgasu: Eh.. damn typo. Fix and thank you

So its kind of the way that Windows does its windows in 7?

@Skydog: You never know when you are going to put your laptop into standby and get hit by a car and be in a coma for 28 days only to pop out of it and want to pick up your work where you left off.

@Bishop256: funny works fine on my evo.

@Stente: I agree 7" is way too small. I don't know people even operate on iphones or ipod touches.

@patranus: Is that kind of like how I can't play certain things on my Ipod touch, but I can on my Iphone 4 because the hardware won't support it or is that like how if I buy an App for the Iphone I have to wait for a similar app to be developed for the Ipad so that I view it at full screen? Issues and fragmentation

See the problem for the cable/satellite companies is that they have priced themselves out of the market. While they do have a choke hold on a few shows/channels, most of the content is being broadcast off of the channel's websites, itunes, amazon, or other streaming areas. To compete with the content they are

So if I am not mistaken, what I hear is that making a choice for optimization is too hard and all these choices confuse me so please tell me what I like Mr. Jobs? Thank you can I have another?