
@Simoniz: No I am not comparing them in terms of what they do.

I know I have been bouncing back and forth between getting the new Iphone 4 and jumping ship to the EVO.

@Philip Han: Um. Dude.. you may want to cut back on that last cup of coffee.

Anyone else find this more gimmicky than the Microsoft Project Natal?

I just noticed something. Where are the exhaust ports?

LOL They forgot to add Printers to the comic.

Correct me if I am wrong, but while the AMOLED will be great for battery life, isn't its responsiveness down right horrible for touch screen interface? I know that Samsung claims that they have cleaned up the wash out in direct sunlight, but I am curious on how much it sacrifices on image quality to do that.

@earbenT: Actually Yahoo! was approached by Microsoft in a way to open communications between multiple companies. Cisco is currently working with Microsoft for similar standards.

@earbenT: First sorry for the multiple posts. Giz's system apparently took my double click a bit too far.

@earbenT: I think you don't understand what I was saying.

@earbenT: I think you don't understand what I was saying.

@earbenT: I think you don't understand what I was saying.

Adam, I have to say for the first time I think I am disappointed in you. Microsoft has had video chat well before Apple came out with face time.

@bornonbord: Well I don't know why he didn't return it. I know he use to use it to shuttle beers and plates outside of his room to the kitchen. Just pointed it in a straight line and then turned it on.

@Anonymoose: Well that too, but his roomba would go in a straight line, hit a wall and turn off.

@Anonymoose: Again they owned it, but it never worked.

Does anyone really own a Roomba? I'm sorry but I had a room mate with one. Those things never worked.