
Yet for some odd reason, you see more Pinzes on the road that the C303's.

From what I've read it's 6 in one, half-dozen in the other when you compare a Pinz to a C303.

Also no C303's and C404's.

Damn that's a lot of scratch for that car.

Ah-hah. o_o

If that's the case... What would be a 'work truck'...? An F450 dually?

Duudddeeee, that is awesome! :D

... Suddenly my Metro 4 suggestion yesterday seems like simple child's play.

As an ex-Eastern block dude from the land of Hungary - where some of our writers live at - I have never ever seen one that nice. Not when I was still living there, not when I visited the 4 times now.

Metro 4, located in Budapest, Hungary.

Right, the other big issue is that in the last 30 years cities have been struggling to re-add street cart/light rail systems into their cities.

Wow... 1970 plastic stuff embodied in a car.

If the engine is solid, the kid will have noooo problems.

Torch, glad to hear that you are finally reunited with your rig!

Mike, job well done! Even if it was 5 minutes and a lotta luck, you were lucky enough to help Jason!

Ahhh, you are well aware of the "WTF!?" then. :D

Actually, even then the description is not entirely too accurate.

Actually, I'd much rather liken the Outback to a 1st or so gen Escape, pretty similar in size and sitting.

My mom and dad went through many cars, including Aro, Renault 11, a few Skodas, etc. The one that we got - 2WD diesel - however we got almost brand new, and had for almost ... 11 years?

Hát ja, szar egy auto, még nosztalgia szempontbol is. Időm elött volt a Trabi, anyám mesélte hogy a nagyapámnak Trabi bütykölés volt az általános hétvégi progija még annó. :)