
Not really... Never the less, from the few of these I hopped in (NA Miata, more recent Elise) I can say that they are quite small.

Ah, ty!

"We'd say nothing beyond the fact beyond the fact Hyundai UK are really stepping up their game when it comes to using baboons to sell compact cars."

It looks odd...

Sir, you win. That is ridiculous.

"Fitting? Good Luck Champ"

Even the 6th gen Civic (96-'00) has that problem. Comfortable length for my legs? My hands have to be stretched out a bit.

Great in all flavors, that is really a killer price and for the one who likes the crawl, hell yeah.

At first I was a bit questioning of the COTD...

@ Hardigree: Yeah, "zebras" are crosswalks. Hungarians use that expression too.

... Not what I hand mind, but w/e, can't complain. :P

The works looks great, that's more than likely the pure cost of the VW.

At PSU there are three 1st gen RAV4 EV's sitting in a garage. One of them is used somewhat, the other two collect dust.

Waiting for 2 hours - I think that was the worst for me - at DMV is suddenly child's play compared to all of the things that happened to you guys.

Hm... I've had it good with DMV. I just don't go to the testing center and business - if I have any - is taken care of in about 10 minutes.

I think half the reason is that it's safer to keep the cars in a line, and not really worry - or toy with - the possibility of having oncoming traffic hit each other.

And I just read that in Mario's voice... Great...

Hehehe, great comment, great picture. :)


I don't think it's the same thing though...