That's pretty flipping sweet... I wonder if astronauts still get such a sweet deal.
That's pretty flipping sweet... I wonder if astronauts still get such a sweet deal.
With ya, nothing wrong with that.
I didn't know that Bajcsy was in that good of a condition - few potholes, flat surface, etc.
... #COTD
Son, I have a feeling that we'll be waiting for a loooooooooooooong time for that day to come.
That is good engineering, a tough biker too. PM me his contact over, I wanna send him a bro-fist as an FSAE guy. :)
Thanks for shedding some light on that, makes sense why he was going balls to the walls.
That right there is freakishly getting into aero. Like, aero over control.
"Before you start complaining that you can "buy a V6 Mustang for that much" we'd point out this is for the loaded-to-the-gills ST. And before you start complaining that you could get an FR-S or BRZ for that price we'd also point out that you should stop complaining and start enjoying a world in which someone can pay…
Seems like PDX has a lot of ire surrounding it.
Tim's right in this department... Inner Portland transportation ain't too bad, however the farther you go the slower it gets.
The thing is... You get used to it. Once you know the main clear/easy pathways, you are set.
Hehehe, I like your style. Obviously a Stumpie local. :)
So that's where #9 came from...
Mom watches that show and sometimes she's just rolling in laughter.
It has ups and downs to it compared to say, a VW Type 2.
Unless you have some very strict people in the major cities, yeah, I can definitely see the year being fudged a bit.
Getting anything outta that country - especially an old car as such - is easy peasy.
Just about...
Yeah my buddy pestered me with the crazy suggestion of throwing in a 400 or a 383 and making the damn thing do wheel stands.