Hm, VWVortex posting to much like the Samba, it's more expensive to begin with.
Hm, VWVortex posting to much like the Samba, it's more expensive to begin with.
87... I think that was the first gen B230, which isn't the best of all of them.
It was both, and you know it too.
Oh no shit... Interesting.
All I keep seeing is fresh super cars... Honorable underdog mention goes to Desu.
From what I've heard between the racing gurus it was a testing setup. I am actually inclined to believe them too.
Eh, should've been younger... More feisty too.
Congrats on the COTD Ash!
Lifetime? Hm, that is a bit steep. Give him... 10 or so year suspension.
I do have to give it to ya, it's pretty funny looking. :)
You are just simply obsessed with that picture now, aren't ya?
... I did read that right.
...Everyone should see this.
Hm, says he needs a moolah for a house down payment...
Shodan's reveal was the most "Oh... Shit..." moments in gaming I have ever experienced.
If I had the money...
Hehehe, nice!
You'll hate me... That color scheme isn't half bad.
Aww, that is cute.
Rubbing alcohol is your friend!