
The thing is, the Russians could just as easily integrate all of those after market additions so that you could fit your lights, etc.

*Sitting and thinking*

I'm leery of this piece of news...

Hell of a party last night, I am sure of it. No way our little Tommy is down on the writing.

... I hadn't had my coffee when I wrote that.

Common mistake, I didn't know this myself until about mid last year.

Tells you how up-to-date I am with the underground scene.

They broke up!!?!?! Aw man!!

100% carbon fiber.

That's very cute... It it's ugly duckling way.

I'm going to stretch the rules a bit here...

Who the he-...

Much the same story applies to the Sellwood Bridge over here in Portland, OR.

Which bridge is that?

Realistic project car of my dreams...

Up to 5" or so IIRC is the area that sensitive.

I swam across it.

*Engage necro-post*

That's really goddamned cold.