(Come on Front Mission... Please let there be a new tactical RPG Front Mission game shown at E3.)
(Come on Front Mission... Please let there be a new tactical RPG Front Mission game shown at E3.)
Ron Perlman = Cool guy
Instant buy.
I feel I’ve missed the boat on this one.
I’m having a hard time believing the amount of comments here to the effect of “I will buy this, even though I don’t like Call of Duty, just because Bruce Campbell (the man, the chin, the legend) is in it”.
Hey, I’ve got some free time today. Maybe I’ll make a few for my favorite champs and skins.
I liked the Marty and Doc (for Zilean) skin idea that was floating around.
That last paragraph is especially well put.
Nah, not really.
I take it upon myself to disagree your statment that Call of Duty is “just the same stuff over and over again”.
Great movie.
Perhaps they want to make him more fantastical or more like he belongs strictly in the world of League of Legends.
Of all the champs I really wouldn’t have picked GP as being in need of a visual update.
Thank you for saying this.
This could make a good present.
Perhaps having the icon rust after a long time.
I can perhaps see that being a problem if one of your team is delegated to a champ they have not mastered in order to counter the champion pick of the other team.
The new Deus Ex does look pretty good, and Square Enix has been getting better these past two or so years. I hope they tone down the armber hew human revolution had though.
You know, everyone was mentioning that, but only just now have I stopped to re-watch the trailer with it in mind, and you’re right it gets on you fast.
Yeah, the last two Call of Duty titles have been let downs.