
I'm still majorly upset over Young Justice, and it wasn't that long ago that I started rewatching Justice League...

You know what else needs patching? Call of Duty Advanced Warfare.

New favorite.

Oh, I love it so.

And if you haven't seen Final Wars, you should see Final Wars.

The question is, is it worse off being three films?

In response to the last puzzles solution.

Now that's clever.

I had enough a while back. Now every thing I see of this show bothers me.

Observe if you will, Nintendo.

The very next game I had 4 minions on the field (2 of which had taunt with around 10 hp between them), we're still in the early game, I had 1 hp, he's frozen and has about 2 cards in hand and I'd be able to kill him next turn, he throws out a Knife Juggler and summons a 1-1 and the knife hits me direct.

You lucky bugger!

I'd be chuffed as hell to get Ysera in a pack, probably my most desired legendary.

It's the month of teases it seems, so many cool things to look forward to...

I don't expect that's what Rockstar will do.

I'm so excited! (...and I just can't hide it.)

Man how I want another Front Mission game. And I don't mean like that recent third-person one, or at the very least if they do decide to go that route, do it better.

All for that. And hell, I'm enjoying Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yep, although you can get something called rapid supply, but I'm not quite sure what that does.

I feel old...