
You and me both.

Big arena player?

Is there one for "relies on the first Pokemon in their party for every battle", because I've been told that that's what I was?

I wish it were a bit more like Black Ops II, I'm not sure what you mean by "same game".

This can't be feature complete right?

Well that's disappointing. Would have liked something other than that. You never know though, maybe there's yet another gamemode still.

I hope it changes in that regard. Somewhat of topic, but I'd also love to see many more odd perks like Hacker and Recon, also Marathon should be infinite sprint again.

Not to mention in many of the later games, Black Ops 1 not included, there was hardly a place you could hunker down with a sniper rifle where you weren't just as effective using an assault rifle.

They really should incentivise using a sniper rifle the stereotypical way, maybe with some perks or hopefully like in MW2 just have better level design to accommodate it.

Ah, you mean in the campaign.

Modern Warfare 2 is no doubt my favorite, but it had its faults.

Don't be like that.

...Never understood that stance.

That's alright. What did you think of Modern Warfare 2?

What's your opinion of the new one from what you know so far? I've got a lot of reservations.

Perfect example. Nice one ZeroSeven.

I really love that traditional animation style to the particle effects.

And here is another angle! (Large)

Search, "Thunderbirds Are Go! 2015" or "Thunderbirds Weta".

(1) (2) (3) Damn, why do images uploaded here always come out so huge.