
Black Lara Croft please.

$10 to soften the blow. Am I rite? :P

I'd make a video, but it would really just be promoting some shady methods on how to add CFW to your PS3. Backlash would be re:dicks.



Pretty sure Microsoft's a little more intimidating than Sony..and has infinitely more bank.

Thus far, Xbudz am worry.

this controller is a fantasy... like as if Nintendo grew up early

The Sony and EA thing was a very old rumor. I clung to it as a broken-hearted Sega fan. My knife wounds have healed up nicely though.

anything I ever say goes into conspiracy

I do think any major game in the genre would need to have GamePad support.

If EA does release goft on Wii U, it would need to take advantage of the GamePad, no? Nintendo's own videos showed golf being played with Wiimote+Gamepad, with the ball and green diplayed on the GamePad screen.

"the Wii U wasn't looking much better than its predecessor even a month after release"

Sega put so many new IPs on Dreamcast- nobody has come close since.

Also, Panzer Dragoon Saga > FF7

Sega Saturn > PSX

Pretty sure Xbox Infinity is getting announced during Halftime at the Superbowl. Real-time life-like footage of Madden 14 in tow.

So if I only pay $60, my SimCity doesn't get a police department?

new xbox is coming

This game is fantastic.