they actually say IN THE GAME that its not a rhythm game. I don't know how they still managed to call it such.
they actually say IN THE GAME that its not a rhythm game. I don't know how they still managed to call it such.
I love it. First FPS I've invested any real time into. Definitely will be picking this up
It's really not hard to do both. I find a bad dub to be much more distracting (though not all dubs are bad). Also I typically watch anime before there even IS a dub. It's just personal preference really. Though i think people that bash dubs constantly are no better than those pc gamers that unironically call…
Define "illegal." I definitely just transferred a box of perfect Ditto's over, but I don't know if it's blocking say, flying Stunfisk.
I don't think many are selling their PS3's with Persona 5 on the horizon, but I'll check this out
my wallet, it hurts. at least Symphonia is later in the month...
Im surprised they even bother advertising this.
i thought that was just an /r/pcmasterrace thing.
Ugh, deadline in February when I have 3 JRPG's to buy as it is...I'm really excited about this though. I loved all of the FFT games, and Tactics Ogre LUCT was amazing.
Wow was definitely going to buy Far Cry today regardless, thank you deal gods
I hoped the same thing :| Still can't wait to play it again though. I just hope we get all the things the PS2 version had now.
Id say it does feel older, since there isn't any free run, and fighting is a bit less fluent. That being said its still fast paced and loads of fun. I think you'll notice, that compared to newer games that the story scenes have much less animations, and that they recycle those animations as well (the ony thing i eish…
Can't wait to get into this game, just gotta wait for my PSU replacement to get here. Damn DOA's.
Getting a 760 this week, can't wait to play this and everything else wonderfully (:
Gender difference. If your Pikachu is a female, she will have a heart shaped tail.
Sure, I'll add you right away.
Sure thing! always happy to help.
Alright, mine is 4957-2453-7032. I'll be on as soon as I can roll a Mewtwo with a decent nature haha