Oh man. I was in college when SCV hit. Learned this combo. the salt was too real.
Oh man. I was in college when SCV hit. Learned this combo. the salt was too real.
DeSmuME would probably produce similar results.
Eh. I’m okay with this. It seems Atlus actually tried to get it to the west without any changes. Can’t really blame them for not wanting to deal with an AO rating.
I think that’s a pretty level-headed response. I doubt anyone would have a problem with what you’re saying.
Goodness gracious. If all these new forms keep popping up Dragon Ball AF will turn from elaborate hoax to reality.
Military issued glasses here. Sometimes they take some adjusting after a while (an hour or two) but other than that they're pretty comfortable.
Military issued glasses here. Sometimes they take some adjusting after a while (an hour or two) but other than that…
nice meme bro!
Clearly I have been away from competitive pokemon too long. I don't even know what PU and FU are.
At first I was really worried, but they actually sound pretty decent.
Due to the sheer amount of "Remasters" getting pushed out I think they are in fact, cutting it. At least for now. Not that I condone such laziness which I why I also have not bought a new console.
Looking pretty good. Though I hope the Wii U gets hacked one day so, like Brawl ,we can have custom everything.
good lord. I salute you for persevering that long.
No Vita deals?
12 years from R/S to ORAS.
When I was in Texas, I had this thing called a donut burger. Donuts instead of buns. I was skeptical but it was definitely a textbook example of "don't knock it til you try it."
Soon, my waifu. Soon.
But the thing is, unless it's changed you can't just give Nintendo 30 cents. You have to give them a set amount to put on your "wallet." If the person doesn't buy games digitally, that reasonable 30 cents is a lot more.
i keep saying the same thing, but more for the visual novels
pretty much this. I thought it was just ok until the last few episodes and the incompetence could no longer be ignored. I would not reccomend amyone watch this really.
Don't you talk shit on Locodol.