
And if he was of a different sexual orientation, was already in a relationship, or was simply uninterested in you, your actions could have easily qualified as sexual assault.

if a pair of breasts were never supported then they would actually sag less and not hurt because those supporting ligaments get stronger.

You're an idiot. It's intensely painful to run/jump/drive over a speed bump without a bra. 'Science' has been disagreeing about whether women should wear bras since there have been bras. But the pain without one is hard to argue with.

"How do I look" and he said "fine, I guess". I almost cried.


Oh I also forgot:

You keep posting this multiple times per article, in multiple articles. You are SUPER invested in telling women that they are wrong about their own goddamn bodies.

My MIL for sure.

I hate to be this person but, at least in pets, which have a relatively small life expectancy in comparison to humans, it has be proven to take away years from their life if they are overweight. I found out my dog gained weight after his first bday and immediately switched him to "light" food and he has been great

yeah mark you really dropped the ball on this one

Promiscuity sounds exhausting. How do you juggle all those partners? I was briefly involved with a poly lady and (seriously, not to be judgmental!) she had to like, keep a schedule of when she could see all of us. That seems like way too much work! (EDIT: I'm also pretty disorganized. So.)

lol he has no idea he's competing or anything he's legit just like WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


We had a BC when the kids were little and she was THE BEST. She understood everything we said! I do miss her terribly. So, so loving and smart.

Awww. He's so happy at the end! What a good boy!

So why is it inappropriate to you? Beeeeeecause you might get cooties? Because someone's lipstick gets smeared?

I think I'd have respected it as an opinion if you had said 'I think that is weird and creepy' but you said it was inappropriate, and there is really very little inappropriate about being affectionate in a non sexual way with people you care about. I guess we're all guilty of making sweeping general statements though.

Weird - whole cultures kiss on the lips. Get a grip.

Eh? I kiss and cuddle my family all the time! I still sit on my dad's knee if there are no other seats and we're all highly affectionate with each other. Sleep in the same bed as my sisters and cousins, and occasionally my mum. It's far from sexual, I'm nearly 30 by the way. My youngest sister is 21.

Nothing says "fundamental respect for life" quite like a mean-spirited, half-assed pun aimed at someone grieving over the loss of her husband.