
This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

Does she have to do it herself? Could she get someone else to write them? Why is this even something that a court would order to be done? Is this some kind of uniquely British thing? I've never heard of anything like this before. Was the abuser best friends with the judge and he did it just to fuck with her? What kind

And this is what happens when people make well-meaning laws without sufficient safeguards in place to protect those that need protecting, or without sufficient discretionary clauses.

Meh. I'm a little squicked out by period sex myself, but I don't expect the broader culture to accommodate my sensitivities. I'm not a fan of graphic, realistic violence either, but sometimes it makes sense in context of the film. I'd hold period sex to the same standard. If it makes sense with the plot and the

UGH the blowjob week idea is beyond annoying to me. Like, let me get this straight—you recognize that my body is doing some funky gross shit that is terribly unpleasant, yet you think that I'm in the mood to selflessly stick your dick in my mouth all week with no expectation of any sort of mutuality? NOOOOOPE.

I like to have sex during my period. I've discarded a couple of sex partners who thought of my period as "blowjob week." I don't want to see more period sex in movies. The point of this movie, whether it succeeded at it or not, is to be sexy to a fairly broad audience. Some people find period sex sexy. Some people

All good bookstores must have a shop cat.

I used to work at a strip club in Dupont Circle D.C. that was a block away from the utterly fantastic Kramerbooks & Afterwords, a 24 hour bookstore and cafe.

There's a bookstore near me that stays open as late as the eccentric owner feels like staying, so I actually have gone in and browsed tipsy at one am. It's awesome and has a shop cat.

I made my husband think our baby was going to be a girl, when I knew I was having a boy.

I love milk. I've never had cramps, bloating or the shits from it. Have drunk skim or one percent from childhood. And I don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol so FUCK THE HATERS.

No other species has fully-formed sentience, either, which isn't a terribly good excuse to stop using our brains to get on their level. I fart on this article.

I mean, if you mark down girls for the work provided to support the answer to the problem maybe? Still utter horseshit, but that's the only thing I can think of right now.

You win.

Leave us alone. Math is hard. Especially when your mind is addled by testosterone.

In all fairness, men are known for being bad at math.

No, birds are also popular amongst MRA's, the Tea Party, ISIS, and Igloo Australia fans.

Virtual pigeons just aren't the same, I guess.

Do my eyes deceive me or is this the MOST AWESOME BLACK FLUFFY PIGEON EVER? Look who's a pigeon fancier now...