he's too scared... (in a whisper) we all are
Correction: Arya Stark/Left Shark
Mr. Baker, as a man, I fail to see the problem with having multiple highly-qualified women candidates. If a strong woman scares a man who is considering a run for office from pursuing it, I think that says a hell of a lot more about the quality of the male candidate than the female candidate.
No joke. I've been rewatching that show after reading Yes, Please and it is just so clear from the show and from Poehler's book that she truly values her friendships and wants them depicted in a positive way.
I feel like their being Christians is relevant. He got a picture of Jesus as a tip. I don't think that atheists, jews, hindus, etc. do that. Also, as a someone who is not Christian and was raised in on the East Coast, seeing the extent of religiosity of can be pretty striking...
If only you ate virtuously enough, you would live forever.
I grew up with a mother who was orthorexic before it was cool (hipster orthorexic?). As well as no carb, no red food coloring, and a whole lot of other insane rules, there was a particularly fun one about only eating fruit that started with the letter M (in Portuguese), and of course, mandatory Friday fasting, not for…
Those are asses so it's safe to say you don't have a fucking clue what to do when it comes to the ladies.
I fucking lost it at A. A. Ron Rodgers. At least he's enjoying his off-season.
Hingle Mccringleberry got snubbed. I knew perceptions about his maturity would keep him off this team. You can't dent he's an absolute monster in the red-zone.
My boyfriend is sterile. I love it. I don't want kids and I always seem to find dudes who want them, so when my boyfriend and I met and got along like gangbusters AND then I found out he can't have kids, I was like, GOTTA LOCK THIS SHIT DOWN. And by lock it down, I mean we got some pets together.
Sorta related to that: how many times, while loading in, have you heard some idiot exclaim "gosh, they're making the girlfriend carry amps!"...ummm, no, all our girlfriends are back home, thanks.