
I see one trolly type is making comments about boys and puberty, but honestly I think this all misses the point: the girls winning may not last forever, but for now they have the confidence to know that they can even TRY (and sometimes succeed) at standing up to a group of male humans and win.

I think it's similar in the fetishization, but different in the expected outcome. At least in my experience, so this could obviously be totally wrong.

When someone in a community other than yours says what you are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable, stop. Everybody messes up sometimes. I have messed up. But just listen up and stop.

I don't normally advocate this but...

Yes, i read it that way, too, at first and thought, "that's kind of awesome!"

A guy whom after causing so much drama at a party, by drunkenly hitting on all my friends and kissing several who were already in relationships, left me something on the desk in the morning after we had sex.

A Juggalo. I would elaborate but I don't really think that's necessary.

But... that's because it's a play about vaginas. Vaginas are strongly correlated with cis women.

When I swam, we used to have to shave our whole damn bodies at the end of the season. We'd usually wait till the day before our league championships and shave at the hotel the night before, where we were packed in 4 to a room. I had the great fortune one year to be assigned a room with just 3 people in it: me and a

Well, since the author has apparently included a monologue for a transwoman, and I'd love to see her add more, then this criticism isn't applicable, is it?

this is a good comment. I don't agree with it 100%, but it's a good comment.

The play does not state "women must have vaginas." It is not a transphobic play. It is not transphobic for a cis woman to talk about her vagina. Everything doesn't have to be everything for everyone.

You said this perfectly. I am a woman's pelvic floor therapist and a lot of what I advocate is connecting to your womb and following your cycle. I recently had a trans woman accuse me of being anti-trans because of my very pro vagina, pro woman talks. It seemed like no matter how I explained that my focus is on the

this confuses me as when I saw the vagina monologues it featured a trans woman. If they want trans women to be included, then they could just ensure there's a trans voice in the show?

I'm afraid that I can't abide by this. It isn't transphobic for women to talk about their bodies. Not everything is about everyone all of the time.

Okay, I've read it. And I'm thinking the ban doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This play isn't about being a woman. It's about having a vagina. Yes, there are parts of the play that connect the two, but at bottom it really is about vaginas. It doesn't say, "Woe betide the vagina non-havers, for they shall not be

I don't understand how it excludes trans women anymore than teaching the anatomy of vaginas does. It's explicitly about the organ, not women in general.

I agree. The church needs to get back to the good old fashioned traditional ways where women were women and the men wore lovely, elegant gowns and elaborate hats.