Who did they entrust to do the photoshopping? Is there some super-enlightened Orthodox guy working for the newspaper who can handle looking at female politicians without being overcome with lust?
Maybe just shopped in a potted plant. You know, something less offensive than a human woman
they should have just MS paint scribbled over her and then put an arrow and wrote NOT A GIRL
The knife drew first blood
She's going to be stuff of BCO legend.
She once won with a semi-automatic pistol.
She tourniquets her arm at the elbow with an ice pick and towel, washes the blood off, puts the offending knife onto the gas fire, heats it to a nice brick red and...wait for it...cauterize her own arm.
She plays Russian Roulette with 5 chambers loaded.
In her spare time, the chef from David's story enjoys Russian Roulette, eating glass, and arm-wrestling silverback gorillas during their mating season.
I think the fact that she had her sex tape leak and rather than go hide in shame, she was like yup, that's me, I have sex, deal with it. And then on top of that she found a way to make a career out of it. That's pretty impressive in my book, even if it's a little bit of an odd career choice.
I hate the phrase "he's a grower, not a shower" more than anything in the world.
I would have a bit of self-reflection if I felt that way. I don't not steal because of the potential of getting arrested; I don't rape people because I'm afraid of going to jail. I don't do it because I am harming someone else. And, to all the jackasses on here saying I would steal from a bank, but not from a person.…
So... what you're saying is that you're a shitty person?
Nah, they want to rape women and not be called rapist. It's the word, see? They're fine with the actual raping, it's the word they loathe.
one in three of them say they would be willing to "use force to obtain intercourse" as long as nobody would find out and there would be no consequences.
I would rob a bank. But I would never be a bank robber.
LOLLLL. Asking a friend's parents to drive you somewhere is TOTES THE SAME as asking a friend's parent to take you to prom and then blasting pictures of her in a bikini on Twitter to see if you could really get her to do it.
When I was unemployed for an extended amount of time, I was a caregiver for free to a terminally ill relative. I was also the maid for my parents, the errand-runner for my sibling, and did lawns for housebound people in the neighborhood. During my evenings, I could relax a little more but I felt guilty "wasting" my…