My only thought here is, "Gross beard is gross."
My only thought here is, "Gross beard is gross."
yea, I agree the authors position seems unclear. Or at least confusing. Why is it bad that the team and the fans are openly condemning rape? Isn't this exactly what jezebel has been crusading for? Campus wide support for the victim and campus wide condemnation of the rapist?
While Boehm's words are ill-considered, they are obviously born of the frustration of having Manbook overwhelmed by women mistakenly attempting to procure the services of male escorts.
I may actually try to fool myself with this.
Jesus, you don't want them to get arrested in Japan, do you?
"She's all mine." Vomit.
Just like some men, who have genormous balls that need 4 seats?
I think you've hit upon the perfect antidote for manspreading! If your package is so big that you can't sit with respect for the personal space of others, then it's obviously too big for my mouth. No blowjobs for manspreaders!
So "they did it first?" That's a really poor excuse. There's no shortage of flaws in MRA thinking, so there's no need to reinforce patriarchal ideas about masculinity in order to criticize them. It's totally hypocritical, and it's wrong.
Unfortunately, what you just said was super sexist! Try again. MRAs are not bad because they show emotion and don't perform masculinity in the way you think they should. They're bad because they're misogynist shitheads.
I need to air my vagina. So I'll sit with my legs wide open too, taking up 4 fucking seats. If anyone complains, it's biology. I need to ventilate between my legs, because yeast. Or something.
True, I'm sure they were just itching for some press. This situation is just going to get even more hairy.
True, but it did take a lot of balls to make the demands that they did.
My balls fit in a guy's mouth on the regular. They don't need that much room.
It sadly happens in a lot of places. When I take my son to the park more often than not I get stared at by at least one parent in such a way that it's clear they wonder whether I'm supposed to be there, or if I'm some pervert there watching the kids. It doesn't even make a difference if he piles his jacket and hat…
Oh, please. It's an epidemic. I can't go through one day without seeing menfolk fall off their chairs. By the dozens. Usually, they mumble something about a high center of gravity while falling to the ground. How can you ignore that?
These guys are just nuts, there is no reason for them to be so teste.
thanks to misandry, women are the only people allowed to have children. Oh wait, that's not a thing