Yeah, I think if you collapse entirely whenever you have a flub on-camera you're not likely to make it as a news reporter for a reputable news station.
Yeah, I think if you collapse entirely whenever you have a flub on-camera you're not likely to make it as a news reporter for a reputable news station.
My favorite was the man, all set to read with papers in hand, slowly backing up and then finally disappearing completely from the frame. That is truly a GIFable moment.
Well, actually he's being honest about shoving down your throat.
What's wrong with asking for this transaction?
Part of enjoying sex is unlearning years of shame you are taught to feel about your body and your genitals. I had read this piece one by a bisexual man who said when asked what's the major difference between sleeping with women and sleeping with men and other than the obvious he said that women constantly apologize…
Oh, yeah. Give the rats whore pills.
The part of this that grates on me so much is the claims that this woman is screaming her head off for attention and self-promotion. Personal blogging has been a popular thing to do since at least 1994, how are people still confused about the fact that it involves talking about yourself, usually in a not-entirely…
So what I'm getting from this post and some of the comments is that this woman should change what she's doing because her kids were acting like entitled dicks and that's her fault, and not change what she's doing because it's not fair to punish the kids for her mistakes. And also no one should ever, ever write about…
Okay, I felt like I was in crazy town reading this. Why are we supposed to hate on these parents for trying to correct bad behavior? Not getting presents at Christmas isn't abuse and even if lax parenting is the cause of entitlement, why can't parents try to change? Not giving their kids junk they'll forget about in a…
I don't get the tone of this article. So they didn't instill certain values early enough; should they just let their unchecked consumerism and spoiled behavior go on forever, or try to shift their outlooks now? Anything that makes kids less obnoxious when it comes to Christmas is good in my book. There is nothing…
I don't care about *true meaning of Christmas* or any of that crap, but I can definitely get behind parents not spoiling the fuck out of their kids. If their kids are acting entitled, the exact right thing to do is not give them the thing they act entitled to.
Unrelated, but you're invited to my party.
Wow. A stranger on the internet thinks I don't have a social life and has tried to insult me about it.
Ok, so I don't really know what Beyonce's hair looks like because I don't see her very often... I honestly thought when I saw the pic that Beyonce's present was doing her hair just like Cox's. And I thought shit man, that'd drop me to the floor too.
Beyonce is so boring. Whenever she endorses someone or something, that means it's been tested by a million others first to assure her it's going to be safe for her image. Yes, that goes for the FEMINIST set backdrop too. I'd like to see someone as financially and culturally secure as she is actually take a risk for a…