You're being way to kind to her. She used "faggot" as a derogatory term (no reclaiming the word there) and tried to insinuate that Angel Haze was trans (which would be bad for some reason.)
You're being way to kind to her. She used "faggot" as a derogatory term (no reclaiming the word there) and tried to insinuate that Angel Haze was trans (which would be bad for some reason.)
Great piece! For the next miserable female monarch, I nominate Juana of Castile! Also a Hasburg, I think?
That sounds almost like an Archer joke. "Yes, I was cheating with your sister - your twin sister, which means I obviously still find you very attractive."
More unpopular opinion: JK Rowlings is a bad writer, who relies heavliy on deus ex machina to keep her stories interesting, and made even the broad strokes up as she went along, resulting in her having to write herself out of corners, and it shows...
... I don't think that was even just "widely accepted," I'm pretty sure that was explicit cannon.
Unpopular opinion: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs never actually went around calling themselves "the Marauders."
Pretty ironic considering some might also call into question whether an attorney is capable of love.
I hate this kind of crap. Why can't that attorney like dogs WITHOUT hating cats? What the hell is this idiocy? I (*gasp*) like cats without hating dogs! HOW DO I DO IT? DO I EVEN EXIST?
Gay/"gay" behavior was discouraged because the management thought it would turn off the teenage girls that made up the fan base. If only they knew...
Cats will prey on over 300 different species. And they will kill for fun, not just food.
I genuinely love the fact that in the UK, "Simple as." is a perfectly reasonable, logical sentence all on its own.
Blech to the All About that Bass video. Trainor is so dead eyed in it—compare her smile at the end to Beyonce's smile at the end of Countdown.
Gotta say, I was seeeeriously disappointed in the mix this year. Having all of that Iggy Azalea in it just killed it for me, and it seems so inorganic in general. My hands-down favourite is still 2012's "Shine Brighter". I think it's fantastic.
I finally caved and listened to it about a week ago.
I think I'm the only person in this office who likes "Bang Bang."
I think that, although we're biased, most sensible sorts of parents are all too aware of what little shits our kids are capable of being, but also aware that there's likely quite a lot that we don't know. I would like to think my son wouldn't ever behave like this. He would know, academically, that this is appalling…
Considering how many people are raped every year, I'm betting she will get to some moms who have also been raped or assaulted fairly easily. I can't imagine finding out my kid threatened someone like that, he'd be grounded until he moved out on his own!
This is incredibly satisfying. Nothing is more wonderful than the idea of misogynists having to admit their misogyny to the one woman who they think is somehow different. It's a beautiful thing.