How does that contradict anything I said? People decided it was a wrongful shooting the moment they heard about it.
How does that contradict anything I said? People decided it was a wrongful shooting the moment they heard about it.
My husband covered the UConn women's basketball team, and they always went in the locker room. Get your information straight. There's no banning.
Except the locker rooms are not opened up immediately after a game, so if players want to be showered and changed, they can be. There are also private areas of the locker room where reporters are not allowed, so players can stay back there and entirely avoid the press. And some teams have additional rules preventing…
I can't believe that of all of the things covered in this piece, the majority of the comments are focused on the question of whether male reporters are allowed to interview naked female players. They've reduced your love of the game to your "right" to see naked players.
Tiptoe through the two lips.
Ferrets are ALWAYS so dramatic. It's kind of the way they are. Intense.
I took it as they're grown men, so they should know better?
Are YOU going to be the instructor who says "Sorry, Vlad, you fail. Your flying sidekick was a little too sloppy. Better luck next time."
Yep - those men weren't just invading Perry's privacy, they were sexually harassing her. Totally disgusting.
She's just not that into you, Kim.
So a pretty common troll retort around these parts is 'why don't you do something to help people out in real life instead of just complaining on the internet?' I've seen some variation of this cry tons of times over the years. I literally just got a response along this line last week.
You should have mentioned this when we were bitching for more diversity amongst the staff.
Are you Benedict Cumberbatch?
I am not a paper clip I'm actually a binder clip.
I am a baby otter.
Full disclosure: I'm only pretending to be a man. I'm actually a footstool.
Sooooo, he proved that people on Jezebel are decent human beings. Wow. Score one for the MRA team... amirite.
Yeah - she is radiating happiness in these photos. She's standing their naked, and not even giving half a shit about seducing us. And it works.