
"3. Groin kicks aren't really that devastating; I've seen lots of guys get hit in the balls and it hardly fazed them."


This is the probably the most intelligent, nuanced and well thought out explanation about how to and when it's appropriate to kick a guys in the balls.

Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance.

...your sister. (Oh dear God what is wrong with me?)

No, no, no nothing like that. He actually enjoyed the sexing with his mother. The broken arms were what started the whole thing. He couldn't masturbate with his broken arms and so his mother offered to give him a helping hand. It progressed from there.

"Hmm. Well, on one hand, he always takes the garbage out and he has great abs and we both love dogs, but, on the other hand, he's kind of fucking his sister a little bit. What should I do, internet?"

Oh my god, is that the one where the guy broke both his arms? Because that...that has stuck with me.

Well, I'm off to write personalized thank you notes to every guy I've ever dated, because, sure, some of them were selfish or stupid or controlling or still in love with their exes, but at least not a single one of them was a sisterfucker. And, for that, I am grateful.

Sorry Mark, this does not compare to that one time in the comment section you mentioned in passing the Reddit thread of the man who had regular sex with his mother. I read that entire thread, the whole damn thing, and my faith in humanity dropped 50 points.

Especially because having sex with siblings or having crushes on siblings, at least, isn't that rare.

Yes rape affects everyone and it's a societal issue. I agree with that but it affects men and women differently. Men and women are victimized differently. Male and female victims are silenced differently and for different reasons. That is why approach to solve the issue for both genders would be different. The

Typical derailing.
Did you already have your "but what about men?" argument ready when you clicked on this artcile about how rape culture affects women?
What a surprise.

It's supposed to mean that you looked at an experiment that was about the way men prey on women and said "yeah I imagine the same thing would happen if you reversed the genders." You don't need to imagine. You can put your money where your mouth is for like ZERO dollars. As Mr. Calvert notes below, a drunk man

it's not a contest, but you're being willfully ignorant by pretending this isn't a gendered issue.

You're the one fantasizing about all these hypothetical hot young drunk guys, wandering around Hollywood Blvd, ripe for the picking.....

I was lucky enough to have a paternal grandmother raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage during the depression. She was brutal in her candor, but honest, and witty. I miss her every day.

Shout out to my great-grandmother, who had the charm of a fucking snapping turtle

"This ordeal has just been hell on me."

Sounds like a fantastic idea with no possible downside

"But would the country benefit from not incarcerating women? At all? Ever?"