
So true.

Agreed. Non-violent offenders sentenced to short terms typically don't benefit from prison, and that goes for male offenders as well.

This is a really important point. If we would just train them to be obedient from childhood they wouldn't even end up in prison in the first place.

Yeah, this'll totally win over the naysayers who don't believe us when we say feminism is about equality.

Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner. Making about women means people won't listen and a discussion about not locking up violent offenders is so overdue. Why derail it?

We should stop putting non-violent drug offenders in prison. Men of color who smoked crack 20 years ago no more deserve to be in prison than women who did the same.

we'd be talking about ways to keep more women—and men with non-violent offenses

Most these arguments seem like they would apply to both genders. We should stop locking up people who pose no threat to society, regardless of their gender.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

Women are like children. They cannot be held accountable for their actions. They are delicate and should be protected and kept out of prison. They cannot even tell the difference between right and wrong anyway.

And to be fair, the State of Alabama was formed to work slaves to death.

Yeah, I laughed pretty hard at that. It's a Hindu island in a mostly Muslim country. Bali has been a major tourist destination for years. It's the go to exotic getaway for Australians, in the main town there are often more Aussies than locals.

I admit that I'm pretty biased against polygamy, given that most, if not all, real examples of it tend to be bad for women and low-status boys and men. Theoretically, it could be great, but we don't live in a theoretical world. What private arrangements people come to are their own business, but polygamy as an

It's gotta be better than BBT. Maybe if you like the concept of BBT? I mean, on the surface it sounds like a good show, but after watching an episode, you kinda have that bit of vomit in your mouth.

Watch It If You Like: Big Bang Theory

I don't give a shit about how it makes him feel. I'm not interested in creating some pigtail pulling drama so that he notices us. I'm interested in educating women so that they understand when they're being scammed by some dirtbag who paid $3,000 for a seminar that promotes hatred towards women.

" I don't just come to Jezebel to read about every time Taylor Swift steps out of her house."

"We're only mentioning him this once because the story has been heavily covered and because our readers have sent us approximately evelenty million emails requesting that we weigh in on this."

Reaching out and pushing a woman's head down to your crotch is over the line to begin with, but to do it to a woman you've just met? Christ on a cracker, that's fucked up.

Can we also acknowledge the submissive-Asian-woman subtext? *retch*