I don't think so, but they're much smarter!
Kirk gravely underestimated how awful a bunch of 18 year olds with their first shot at freedom could be.
Kirk sounds like a shining exemplar of assertiveness.
Yes, I am not sizing up someone's attractiveness when they approach me on the street, I am sizing up their threat level. If I meet someone in a calmer, safer environment, then I might think about how attractive they are.
I Don't Notice What You Look Like Because You Scare Me When You Catcall!
I like how he tells her that he's a guy and knows how guys think, and then goes on to tell us all what we think. Because we're one giant hive-mind; we all depend on compliments from handsome men for our self esteem, and none of us are homo/bi/asexual. None of us are unavailable. None of us derive our self-worth from…
I believe so.
I love you for saying this. Look, this Ghomeshi guy is surely a creep and probably a rapist, but for the love of pete, I don't need to hear the phrase "experienced kinkster and professional dominatrix" twice in as many paragraphs. (And "kinkster"? Really?)
In the olden days of High Schools past, I was a meat clerk at a grocery store. We had a very nice, mid-40's woman that worked there, and she had an old guy that would call and pretend to be her husband. We usually just put him on hold and let him wear himself out, but one VERY busy Saturday, I elected to tell…
"I like my coffee like my men. Weak, not strong AT ALL, cold, bitter..."
I know a girl who uses those terms. She always describes herself as an alpha and how she can't get along with other alphas and how alphas don't like it when other alphas are in their territory and I'm just sitting there like, are you human beings or fucking tigers? What is all this nonsense?
Yes! I had the same question!! In both romantic and non-romantic relationships, I like people who are comfortable pushing back against my somewhat strong-willed personality. This has nothing to do with gender roles - I am an equal opportunity trampler - but I definitely know I could never marry someone who I could…
I think the telling bit is where he tells her that when he tries to lead, she doesn't follow. She is the alpha she's been looking for all along.
No, the worst thing feminists ever did was force people to stop saying "Merry Christmas" and start saying "Happy Holidays."
I thought we agreed the worst thing feminists ever did was allow Christmas advertising to start in August? Remember the Eggnog Massacre of '06? My god, the carnage.
What is crazy is that I remember reading this story (yes I probably read all 2000 comments) I thought it was very creepy, glad you shared it again!