
She probably just gets along better with men, you know? Like... women are just too catty for her, and she likes to talk about deeper things than hair and makeup, she just has nothing in common with other women.

I love how she rolls her eyes and flips her pretty hair throughout the entire video. She should have stuck with the shortened original:

I'm kind of in love with the sentence "This is an interesting hill to die on." Can anyone tell me more about the origin of that idiom?

The smell of root beer is revolting. How do you do it?

Coke Zero taste like ass. I'm perfectly happy drinking regular Coke. And all you Pepsi people are disgusting.

Ah. I had associated 'boo' with sickeningly sweet couples, not as a piece of black slang.

Thanks for providing an actual answer and not just a snarky response.

I read "I have no desire to force myself on you" as "I fully expect you to offer or at least go along with it."

Yeah, there are definitely no creepy guys living in Western Europe. They are only to be found in the US and the Middle East. The Arabian Creepy Guy and the American Diamondback Creepy Guy are the two primary species, and they can't survive in the utopian fantasy fairyland of Western Europe.

My cat is a clean slim female. I thought of her.

Oooh, my goodness. I used to work right next to there. That's Emeryville CA, it's the refurbished warehouse/trendy housing/West-Oakland-spillover-crime district right across from San Francisco. It's also where Pixar is, and now I'm imagining a Pixar animator writing this ad.

I don't think he thinks he's fooling anyone. I think he's preying on homeless women who are so desperate for shelter that they'll risk getting in bed with this creep. (Like: one night with this dude is better than another night with her abusive husband or freezing to death under a bridge or whatever.) What a horrible

I'd go with a the car, or a double wall corrugated box.
What a creeper.

I think (and i may be wrong) that the cover setc and indeed generally the title is actually just "I am Malala" and the rest is the subtitle - like with academic books/articles.

I just... can't... blerg. I am really not one of those people that goes stomping around saying things like "why is Jezebel posting this?" but it just comes off as petty. Is Bristol Palin annoying and representative of the horrible state of sex ed in America? Absolutely. But when is the last time she mattered at all to

I readily acknowledge that this is putting my ignorance on full display (steady your tomatoes, friends!), but I absolutely had no idea Pakistan looked like this. Yes, I know it's a good sized state with a varied topography, but wow- this is just beautiful.


Seriously, this article is the equivalent of an obnoxious commenter saying, "I can't believe Jezebel is posting about nail polish when people are dying in ___ right now."

Yeah, I feel the same way. Like, I love Tina Fey, but her book would look pretty stupid in this chart. I don't think Bristol Palin needs to be protected or whatever, but this seems kind of spiteful.

this article just seems kinda mean. I wouldn't want to be compared to Malala either.

There is nothing I find more disconcerting than the feeling of a powerful jet of water on my taint.