
Aside from the Malibu (which looks a little too depressed), I like Chevy’s current design language. I wouldn’t go so far to call it inspired, but it is clean with good lines, and a corporate grill that works well while giving in to the gaping mouth trend.

Well, it doesn’t help that everything was basically just different variants of jelly bean.

Auto makers need to take a cue from motorcycle manufacturers. Right now there’s a large number of new motorcycles on the market with heavily retro influenced styling. I’d kill for something similar to happen with trucks/SUVs. Bring back the bricks!

One-box design is fantastic for electric vehicles, given their very small motors and low mounted batteries. I see two issues though, which may ultimately share the same solution:

..... I’ll be in my bunk.

sword pen, sword pineapple, sword apple, sword pen.

we normalized the data by comparing the number of complaints received to the value of the deposits held at the bank.

You’d think that V12 would be better suited to evading taxes.

That’s a lot of darts! To anyone thinking of buying some unofficial darts of Amazon, be wary. Tried that once and got a pack of darts with hard plastic tips. They didn’t fly as far and when you hit someone within range they stung. Maybe fun for us grown-ups but no good for the 7 year-olds they were intended for.

That’s a lot of darts! To anyone thinking of buying some unofficial darts of Amazon, be wary. Tried that once and

Stripping off parts is one thing, with some owners being able to argue the compensation provided isn’t sufficient. The suggestion to change out the oil and coolant seems overly spiteful.

I mourn the sport coupe revolution that never came.

And now let us pay tribute to the only good thing to come out of the EA/Porsche partnership

I’d have one if it wasn’t FWD. Sorry, I just can’t. I’m looking at an i3 currently because I’m looking at electric vehicles for commuting and even then I won’t go FWD.

I keep shaking my magic 8 ball but only one answer comes up.

One big problem I see for Mazda going forward is that they’ve invested nothing in hybrid or electric technologies. Skyactiv is fine, but it seems to be simply delaying the inevitable. If they’re looking for a way forward, a pure ICE lineup is going to start hurting them.

Now playing

I think Gears of War should get credit for starting this trend back in 2006, using Gary Jules cover of “Mad World” to great effect

I’ll just have to look for a way to switch out the Buick grille for the Opel one , then. I hate the Buick grill.

The entire front is different in that example, and the Buick version looks like ass. That’s what I’m afraid of .... or hoping for? I DON’T KNOW! SHUT UP PEYTON MANNING!

I’m conflicted. If they murder the styling in the Buickfication process, I’ll be sad we lost a potentially awesome wagon. If they don’t, and it largely remains as is ...... I’ll want a Buick.