Ah, and obviously Crum knew the rider didn’t have a license because he’s clairvoyant. Irrelevant.
Ah, and obviously Crum knew the rider didn’t have a license because he’s clairvoyant. Irrelevant.
Any car with a heavy clutch.
Kickstarter is always going to come with risks. How are you going to punish people who are out of money? Hard to collect when they’ve blown through it all.
I disagree. Yes, in this case I don’t mind what they are doing, but I bet they’re assholes to more than just the stanced crowd. I have nothing but contempt for everyone involved in this.
Thank you! I literally yelled at the TV the first time I saw that commercial.
I’ve gone from a Nissan to a Honda to a Scion. I’m loyal to no brand, though I’ve been loyal to a country so far. That will likely change with my next car, which has a good chance of being American or German.
Which is still awesome.
I think we can handle a few court jesters with, whatever, halberds.
To be fair, McLaren was already in pretty bad shape in 2014. Even with the Mercedes power plant they struggled to be competitive. Honda isn’t the problem the team has, it’s just making what has become a mediocre team much much worse.
Lee Iacocca was fired from Ford shortly after Ford was forced to recall 1.5 million Pintos for possibly resulting in FIERY DEATH after a rear end collision.
The correct response to this is “graphs or it didn’t happen”
It’s very dependent on wiring, In my experience I’ve gotten 30-60Mbps which was fine for what I needed it for (streaming video services in the living room)
It’s very dependent on wiring, In my experience I’ve gotten 30-60Mbps which was fine for what I needed it for…
At least Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives covers some good food. I can enjoy that show despite him .... when he actually tried to cook, though ....
A dropped bike with messed up fairings is a perfect donor. Just have to check for other damage.
Or, if you get a clean example, you can sell the fairings and make back much of the cost of the kit.
If they can combine this with something like Microsoft’s Hololens though ... that’d be pretty interesting. Granted, you’d have to wear a hololens in public.
The trick would be attaching the tow hook in such a way that it wouldn’t rip off or damage the vehicle.
They don’t have to have definitive proof. They’re not going to charge you with anything. They just won’t sell you any more Ferraris. This may not seem like a big deal, but the people who can get their hands on a LaFerrari in the first place are those who tend to have a lot of Ferraris and be extremely invested in the…