
Really? Is this a real issue we're discussing here? Please tell me those is one of those joke issues/articles we all kind of laugh at. I mean nobody is forcing you to buy a massive phone, they come in many sizes.

It's almost like phones come in different sizes and you should take that into account when you're buying one.

Why not curse the ageist nature of small phones that have screens too small for old eyes to see?

Bah, I have an iPhone 5 and it's too damn small for me to use comfortably one-handed. I feel like Lennie from Of Mice and Men when I text someone.

People always say AMD has bad drivers, but between my 5750 and 7770 I've never had any problems.

go read hardocp's crossfire review of the 290x, their drivers are currently leaps and bounds above NVidias, better performance in every game with LESS MICROSTUTTER, and also better compatibility with displays, on a 4k display they weer having issues getting black screens on Nvidia cards requiring multiple force closes

I'm going to refrain from voting, and here's why: AMD offers the best performance per dollar, but they're terrible at drivers. No, I don't know why my AMD monitor refuses to scale via HDMI, but occasionally does so through DVI, nor do I understand why, despite directions on AMD's website (which seem out of date), and

Yes, please. Put this right over your Pronator, Supinator, Flexor Carpi Radialis, and Brachioradials.

Your arm doesn't need those to...move...or grip things...

I don't see this ending well for him.

And I'm just sitting here with my Wii U

I agree. All I know is I'm going to enjoy my ps4 and I hope peoples with xbox one do the same.

In the end, it doesn't really matter what the graphics are.

I bet that now everybody who condemned Sandusky feels pretty fucking stupid. Through his charitable works, these "victims" of his now have a secure financial future. He was so dedicated to helping these kids that he was willing to rape them and then go to jail for the rest of his life, just so that they could have

pictured: the six meritless claimants

I would prefer to see him locked in a cage with AP for 15 minutes.

Another mother of the yeat candidate, who dates a dude like this AND leaves him with their kid?

He's a real tough guy. Beating up toddlers and women. I'd like to see him take on someone his own size. Fucker.

Fucker beat up a three year old last year and should have been locked the fuck away.

Not to further ruin your day, but I'm a lawyer who clerked in family court for a judge assigned solely to cases of child abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights, and KLG. We had about 12 to 20 cases. Every day. Every week. In one county. With three other judges assigned to handle the same number of such

Horrible tragedy. Please execute the monster who did this.