Definitely want one of those tables.
I'm not someone who likes the F2P model, but it doesn't bother me that others promote it. I play games I enjoy and don't pay much attention to what others are playing. Hasn't anyone watched Epic? "One tree, lots of leaves." :)
A guns only purpose is to kill? I'm not gonna lie I lmao at that one. I love the thought of an inanimate object having a purpose. You are correct that it has a function that being to fire a projectile at a target. Whether that target is flesh or not is up to the operator. On the topic of this story it comes down to…
Gotta love these things. Is there a reason why we should care who plays f2p? I mean I hate the f2p model in most cases, but I don't waste time caring about players who enjoy it. I'm too busy enjoying games I love to worry about how others spend their time.
I'm in a similar boat. I want ESO to be amazing because I love the series, but I am skeptical about how they will execute it as an MMO. I prefer subscription for the same reason you do and because the community seem to be better than on F2P. If ESO is worth it I will gladly pay for it.
Well this is great news for me. I prefer subscription based. And giving 30 days free with purchase means you will have plenty of time to decide if it is worth it to you.
While I agree that Titanfall looks great so far, I don't see how his interests in the Xbox One equate to his life being boring. Oh and Fable died for me when they diluted my beloved game with Journey and Heroes. The only fable I am interested in now is Fable Anniversary.
Ok I'm not interested in Kinect Games, but I think them allowing MoCap is pretty kickass. Project Spark already looked great to me, but this locked in my interest. I'm the guy who plays Minecraft when I don't feel like playing anything else. Project Spark will fill that role for me on Xbox One. If things go well these…
I'm not against digital, but only having access to your games if you sign in every 24hr was the deal breaker for me. Not that I cared too much because it would just mean I was only getting one next-gen console. Most games will be online only anyways, but forcing all games removes the choice completely. Many games I…
I don't care if a game has guns or doesn't have them. While Cliffy is a very capable game developer. He doesn't develop the kind of games I want to play. I definitely won't waste my time expecting any kind of steps forward from this. Who knows maybe he will shock me and prove he can make a game not geared towards the…
I haven't been excited about a Splinter Cell game since Chaos Theory and Blacklist is no exception. Instead of improving their old formula they set out to incorporate more assault oriented combat styles. With each installment getting further from what I loved about the games. Many players will like the additions, some…
Fish and Blow happen to be 2 people in the game industry I find almost as annoying as some of the bigger publishers/Devs. That said I haven't watched any of Beer's videos. From what I read here I am glad that's the case.
As much as I see where he was going I didn't find him funny. Then again I get nearly all my comedy from animes. ^.^
Absolutely love Firefly, but this game will be terrible. At least as a fan I can't imagine them capturing what Firefly was in a mobile game. Glad I gave up on the idea of them making a proper game a long time ago.
I don't feel like making an account, but if I was gonna post I would have to ask....Why is it that only certain factions are allowed to engage in PVP? Where's the love for the solo player?
I was 100% against the 24hr check-in. However I am disappointed Microsoft just threw in the towel and scrapped the whole thing. They could have allowed discs to work the way they always have. Install it and then require the disc to be in the drive to play. And then allow digital purchases to come with the added…
I'm watching, but on the fence right now. I usually give shows a least 5 episodes before I try to form an opinion. I do agree about Junior.
I have a big back log plus State of Decay to keep me busy.
Although admittedly I am pretty sure the button with two squares will just handle the switch between apps in general.