
The button with 3 lines is the equivalent of the start/guide button. The other with the two squares is the snap button. That's why nobody is asking. lol

Obviously Naughty Dog screwed up. Doesn't mean I care though. Great game and I hardly doubt anyone saw a screen grab of their transit map and was like "Daammn I gotta pic up this game yo that's a sick transit map bro." Forgive the awful choice of words the guy from Half Baked popped into my head. lol.

Patricia I agree 100% when you are talking about Battlefield. However on Call of Duty there isn't anywhere near the need for strategies. Communication is the only strategic play you need in CoD. Effectively objective games just let players know where to find the other team. People who can't kill corner campers

Yea, but having both options doesn't diminish anything. I mean that is what people like is the right to choose. Most games will be online only in the next generation which I am ok with. However forcing all games to go that path would take away my reason for playing console over PC. If you want digital you are better

Not sure if you are trolling or just don't bother reading anything other than article titles. You're number 5 makes it clear it is one or the other. Microsoft said specifically they are still going to offer day one digital copies of games. Which means the only way you will have to keep switching discs is if you chose

Lol Family plan was interesting, but if you think it was the best thing to look forward you have really low standards.

Yes because not having to connect every 24hrs just ruined what the console is. /sarcasm Innovation will have to come from the devs like it always has. The use they make of cloud being a big part of that this generation. You must think family sharing was innovation since it was the only useful thing we lost today.

Definitely tl;dr coming >.<

I'm one of the gamers who will move on from console gaming if the 24hr login requirement stands. Not because I am bitter I've just always enjoyed consoles for their simplicity. If that ceases to be the case there will be no reason for me not to take advantage of PC gaming. My reason for not liking the 24 requirement

Arguing about it isn't going to fix anything. Those of use who hate the idea should just move on. I'm not even going to watch their live E3 coverage now. Why checkout a bunch of games on a console I will no longer be buying. And no I'm not some hater I've been playing xbl since April 05. I understand that most things

I have been worried about the wolves since the beginning. It almost never ends well for the loyal animal protectors in shows. Lets hope that is the last wolf to be killed in this show. On a side note I would rather them kill off Arya than Rob. I mean I should be rooting for her, but something about the actresses

Well I wish they wouldn't have showed them killing the caged wolf, but all in all no one can call that episode boring.

Woke up and servers were back online. Can't wait to get back to get back to mission running.

Just to clarify actual server downtime has been just under 10 hours. "I was playing at 7am central time this morning" That is counting the hour it went down then came back up late last night. Luckily the second time they warned us and I queued up 2 days worth of skill training. lol

Ok with Bungie's next title and nex-gen consoles most likely increasing our bs 24 player can in Battlefield I can't say I was paying much thought to the next CoD. Because I knew with it on all plats it would be the same crappy engine. Then they say new engine so I was slightly more interested. Now any interest that

From the sound of it you will be able to play the game with the disc on any account, but each disc will have a one time install that will allow you to play without the disc. If that is how it works I'm on board. Then you could one game use on two consoles in the household at the same time. Hopefully that is the case.

A lot of people seem concerned over the always online issue. Which in fact is not an issue at all. I mean most of you are commenting so lets hope you own the current console and aren't just fanboy trolls. If you do own a 360 load up live and click on Introducing Xbox One. Under the videos tab watch GT:TV Xbox One

Kotaku your article title is misleading and ok Harrison wasn't overly direct, but even I understood. I find it hard to believe that you didn't. Accessing content that uses cloud will require you to sign in once a day. You can bet most of your things like dlc and arcade games will still be downloaded directly to your

Ok there are certainly problems with the current state of the industry. We certainly need more games trying to move forward instead of churn out copy paste sequels. CoD definitely hasn't improved since CoD4. However this guy seems to be an idiot. Bashing popular titles just makes him look bitter. Lots of people play

A large number of players in CoD drop from games to maintain their stats. But then again I don't have a kd I'm struggling to maintain :) The online community is shit though. Luckily I bring along good company. Besides making players rage never ceases to be fun.