
I know its all about ratings,but he was way off the mark.There are already plenty of things in place to make it easy for parents to control what their kid can play and who they can talk to on the new consoles.The ESRB system is there for a reason and stores should fire employees not enforcing it.It shouldn't however

There was never going to be a new game reveal on bungie day...The only place people should get info about Bungie is from Bungie.net.They state very clearly that we wouldn't be hearing about their next universe for some time.The bungie day announcement related to the festivities that started on the 23rd and will run

The adds are on tabs in the dashboard.Its not like they are popping up saying "your game will start in 30 seconds."If we were forced to watch them sure it would be annoying,but people just like having something to complain about.And without people complaining I would have no one to complain about.Its a circle you see.

First this is a terrible thing and I am sure many more will occur in the future.

I'm not too worried about the fps difference between the 2 games.Call of duty has always just been an ok looking game.You don''t expect the detail from it you do Battlefield so of course they have to announce it runs 60fps on console and pc.I Have had a lot of fun with past cod titles despite how broken they usually

I too use invert for flight controls,but use normal controls for my rpgs and fps titles.Any other option just seems silly to me.

This ^

Well I was glad Bungie got away from microsoft when they did.This only makes me even more happy."That there are some things that just seem to make navigating and playing games so much easier." I was unaware we complained about having to move our thumbs to get from point A to point B.

Reducing Fable to a rail shooter "even part" is unacceptable.I have stuck with the game through all 3 installments to the series.After this gimmick to support a crappy peripheral that is not made for RPG gameplay I'm done buying Fable titles.At least Mass Effects crappy kinect integration isn't a required

The library was awesome....I am glad to hear it is coming back.You know what would be great kotaku lets make next gen remakes of all our old favorites leaving out the bits people didn't like. Halo Combat Devolved anyone? "sarcasm obviously"

Lionhead you are officially ruining Fable.I hope people love your gimmicky motion control rpg on rails.I myself am done supporting your titles.And before someone replys about how they already ruined the game your opinion is noted.There were flaws in the games for sure,but I myself loved Fable,Fable II and Fable III

This better get game of the year.Cannot wait to get some time in on this.

Halo 3 was supposed to finish the fight with the Covenant and the Flood.Unless they are making a prequel the game should be set in a new universe.As we all know Chief ended up stranded leaving the game open to be expanded in a new direction.Now since Bungie isn't making this I will have to see some gameplay to decide

They haven't been able to stop hackers and boosters from screwing with Cod stats in their less ambitious previous installments.So I am sure this is gonna turn out great! "sarcasm" I have already decided this won't be a launch purchase.That is assuming I pick it up later for $30.With Skyrim,BF3 and Forza 4 I doubt I

Halo is great I just like to bounce back and forth between several games.I play a lot of shooters and rpgs alike.I wouldn't say I will be heartbroken over not purchasing MW3,but I will miss the gameplay itself.As I said though there is more than enough to keep me busy launching this fall.And I have Bungie's next title

The only redeeming side is that Activision doesn't have any control really.Bungie already stated this when they first announced "getting into bed" with them.On a side note it doesn't look like I will be purchasing MW3.We pay $15 for 4 maps twice a year already.So even if they only charge $5/month I'm paying in $60

Well i'll be watching netflix cause my dvd drive just went out on my xbox.I'm gonna get a drive off of ebay and swap the boards so I should be back to my gaming ways in a couple weeks.If not for this minor inconvenience I would be playing the new mission just released on PSU "Phantasy Star Universe".

Demosthenes your either an idiot who doesn't read what he posts or maybe you are just really bad at putting the pieces together.I don't care which because I don't care to change your opinion and would never try.Everyone in this life has a right to stupidity and I would never seek to take it from them.Please enjoy what

Well seeing how it is not exclusively on the "obsolete console" I don't think you have to worry about seeing a "crippled product squeezed out of the o-ring of an obsolete console."There are roughly 12 million xbox live gold subscribers which sounds pretty far from obsolete.Not everyone can be as elite as you with your

I never turned the controller...when I was little I always leaned into the turns.Still do on occasion when I play racing/flying games.Outside of games I have developed a bad habit of fluttering my fingers when I am away from my console for a while.lol