
I'm 22 I was in 7th grade on 9/11.We watched the news in every classroom following the first plane impact.We were watching when the second plane hit.So yea I kind of know exactly what you were going for.However the word terrorist doesn't hold anymore weight with me than it did before the attacks.Words do matter though

Your basing your whole "valid" opinion on the premise that everyone who hears the words terrorists think of Al Queda.And sure a lot of people will when that word alone is used.However only an idiot would think that calling Anon cyber terrorists relates the severity of taking PSN down to destroying the twin towers.

Trying to sound like you have a valid opinion will always be "utterly unsuccessful" when you obviously have trouble understanding definitions of the word terrorist.lol

You don't have to take me seriously I thought I already covered my opinion of your kind.And as far as my English well if thats one of the main issues you have with my posts I can live with that.=) You seem to be the only one of us who care what the other thinks.I wouldn't dare try and change your way of

Damn said i would ignore you,but you keep on saying that "revenge" thing.I tried to ignore it the first post really I did.Someone such as yourself cannot possibly understand.Though you should know it has nothing to do with revenge.I really don't mind your opinion just don't pretend you can understand my views from one

Anyone who refers to this world as civilized is too naive to call anyone else immature.So congrats now your next response will be ignored.Feel free to going on living in your world of sunshine and rainbows.

Wow sorry to hear that..I cannot stand people who take what other have worked for.If the world hadn't gone so soft maybe people like this would learn to leave stuff be.I truly wish they would go back to cutting a hand off on the first offense no matter the worth of the stolen item.People can complain about this being

You know more people would have read your post if you just skip to the point.Wall of texts will only be read by the few people who want to get amusement out of your frustration.Next time just post this part.

You mean we get to play Cooking Mamma in HD! =p You know I'm just picking on you,but Ocarina of Time will be a hard thing to top no matter what console you're playing it on.I may have to get a 3DS next year just for the remake.You can turn the 3D off right?.I will wait though because of Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim. =)

Stormgazer? I think we've met somewhere buddy.

"From what we've heard there are two testing groups: One that is receiving discs, and another that is strictly doing things on a downloadable basis."

Anon seems to get more and more childish as time passes.Who knows maybe its always been this way.This isn't about some great revolt to protect the right to share information.This is about people with nothing better to do.I do not care one bit about the politics of our world and find all these activists and protesters

Man do you have to be such a downer Kotaku? I don't know if this is a joke,but if not we need slightly less depressing morning news.Save this kind of thing for the pms I'm not awake enough for this stuff. =/

Cannot wait for this to launch.This and Mass Effect 3 launching in the same year is awesome just hope there is at least a month between them. =)

The only developer who has earned my undying trust is Bungie.Now before you assume it has anything to do with Halo let me explain.Bungie has always offered a better community experience than any other developers on the xbox.They have always supported their games post launch and listened to any valid points brought up

Its not likely....Ive been out of high school for some time now.And to call my views cynical is inaccurate though for the purpose of this discussion it will do.People like to believe we are capable of changing and I completely understand how you can fall for such an illusion.Everyone reflects on high school and thinks

You missed the whole point of my post....I'll try and state it in a manner that requires less reading comprehension.You stated that the game "Sucked" which is not the same as voicing your own dislike.You are no different than the rest of the populace.You exist as nothing more than a social copy of all those around

I'm sorry but you are either naive or just bad at expressing sarcasm.Assuming you were serious I think it is important to tell you what I thought was basic common sense.People don't change.I'm sure some of you are thinking how you will tell me someone you knew turned their life around.The person you would mention

OH we're doing the quotes thing. So let me quote your post with the translation I heard. "I really think Fable sucked,but my major flaw is assuming my opinion matters."Good games are good games no matter how many haters you can rally.People complain about Fable and yet is still sells well and provides many like myself

I hate people...and hate having them in the same room as me even more.Online I can pick and choose who can contact me and who I can hear in lobbies.Now I know you are thinking just don't invite people over.I enjoy playing games with the few friends I have,but people have way too many expectations of "face to face"