
I just unlocked 2 Dragon Age II achievements for a total of 40 gamer score.So with everyone else online these statistics were outdated before he was able to post them.lol

dubl posted for now reason.

Well i am enjoying my play through and the way its looking will play through at least once more.

Yea i just got mine back yesterday after losing it do to a series of unfortunate events in 2005.Feels great to be back to just plain old CosmicChaos like in the Halo 2 days.

Wonder how man Friend request shaun will be getting.Lets hope he takes random adds better than I do.lmao

Sometimes I wonder what a person is thinking as I read their dribble.However you make it very easy to guess.You "over opinionated" types truly have a knack for making any topic about your own "views". I understand you need to keep up your "role" you have chosen in life.However when I hear about a new game coming out

Definitely agree,but its also not that the whole community sees him that way.I never hold him to those promises.He is always trying to do better and we need more people like him in the industry.

That was my point its never one of these.lol.I get a lot of amusement out of the back and forth between these two "factions" don't get me wrong. =) My only point was nothing will stop complaining.For that you would need to cure human stupidity.....Good luck with that endeavor should you try and tackle the challenge.

I dunno...I tried everything twice over to fix it.But anytime I try to play it won't load.I have deleted,re-downloaded and updated so many times trying to play I just gave up.Its definitely something wrong with my set up but not sure what.Oh well now I can pick this "clone" up on xbox 360 so all is well. =)

I'm not talking about wearing them to go to town.lol. I am saying they may help him block out everything n the background and focus on the game audio that he needs to hear clearly to play.

I cancelled my pre-order and put the $64 on Dragon Age II when I found out they scrapped the co-op campaign.All you are missing is another game whose only co-op offering is a "Horde mode" style gametype.Not that these are bad,but if that is the only offering I can't see paying full price.

Made me lol reading someone voicing an opinion telling other not to voice their opinions.^^ People will always complain about something.Posting telling them to stop complain is as pointless as their posts.Why not try caring about the only persons opinion that matters....your own. =)

According to "rumors" it will not just be a remake,but will include new art assets.I assume this means they will use new textures amongst other things.As long as there is online coop I will be very happy.Lets see how those flood at the library fair when I don't have to run solo. ^^

I'll pick up the first episode.Never have been able to get MineCraft to work on our PC so I'm willing to see what this guy can do on my platform of choice.^^

Am I the only person wondering if this guys uses a Turtle Beach Head set? If not sounds like it would be a great tool for him.

@Brandon Strader: that 10k has to be a jest....that or someone really likes bayblades with a history of destruction.lol

Hope this is legit for one reason.My buddy and I have always wanted online co-op in CE.With that I would be willing to tackle the Library on Legendary for some bitter sweet revenge.

@DoctahWyrm: I don't really agree that its just them bringing people into the circle.I do agree they treat everyone the same.This is because of the freedom not being face to face brings.I'm am glad to say that the clan I run with isn't involved in such things.Of course we usually stay in party chat to avoid that and

Now if only all cosplay was put together this well.Cosplay really needs some form of Quality Control.We need a Cosplay High Council lmao.